
二○二○年一月十一日/一月十二日                                                                                          Click here for English version




「要常常喜樂,不住禱告,凡事謝恩;這就是神在基督耶穌裡給你們的旨意。」(帖前五 16-18,新譯本)


使徒保羅昔日所面對的,絕對是令人失望、沮喪、恐懼、甚至憤怒的事情,然而,他身處艱困時,總會如他在牢獄中寫給腓立比教會的勸勉——喜樂。保羅說:「你們要靠著主常常喜樂,我再說,你們要喜樂。」(腓四 4)不用勉強,卻要靠著主。

喜樂的心是良藥(箴十七 22),喜樂與盼望,息息相關,是聖靈臨在的印證;故此,我們要靠著主,呼求主!祈求主所應許的保惠師聖靈光照引導我們!

從日戰時代走過內戰、又經歷過文革的馮雲玉牧師,90 多歲才返天家,廣西西部的早期信徒都稱呼她為「香港姑娘」。她少年時在港島一間教會決志信主,深感傳福音的迫切,輾轉入了廣西梧州建道聖經學校進修,但卻遇上日軍侵華,全校逃難至廣西偏遠的西部,她未及畢業,已在西部傳福音,後來學校鼓勵她留在西部,服事偏遠地區的信徒,如此下來已 80 多年。西部的教會無不認識馮牧師,她過了 90 歲,還在扶持年輕同工開荒建立新聚會點。這位單身香港姑娘的路是怎樣走過來的?多年前探訪馮牧師之時,忍不住向她請教,馮牧師的回覆清晰簡單:「祈禱、跪下祈禱!就只有這方法。」



Pastor's Sharing
Evidence of the Holy Spirit
Rev Ng Ming Yee

The late Rev James Cheung, former President of the Alliance Bible Seminary, shared at a pastoral retreat of the C&MA Church Union Hong Kong some years ago his thoughts on the teachings of Paul which he had spent many years studying. He cited three verses that touched him most and which he considered to be most precious:

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Rev. Cheung has been with the Lord for a few years now but his sharing still rings clear in my ears. He told preachers that this message must be preached. He said this must also be our life-long pursuit in learning and practice.

In those days, the Apostle Paul was faced with matters that led to utter despair, frustration, fear and even anger. Nevertheless, in adversity, he rejoiced – just like what he taught the Philippian church in his letter written in jail. He said, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4) Not unwillingly, but do this by the Lord.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22a). Joy and hope are intertwined. They are evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to do it by the Lord. We need to call out to the Lord for the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, whom God has promised to send, to illuminate and guide us!

Rev. W. Y. Fung (馮雲玉牧師) went to be with the Lord at over 90 years of age, having survived World War II, the civil war and the Cultural Revolution. She was called "Hong Kong girl" by the early Christians in the western part of Guangxi. Converted at a church on Hong Kong Island as a teen, she felt the urgent need to preach the gospel and was later admitted to the Alliance Bible School in Wuzhou, Guangxi. Then, Japan invaded China and everyone in the School fled to the remote west of Guangxi. She had not yet graduated at that time but she already started preaching. Later, the Bible School encouraged her to stay in the western part to serve Christians in the remote villages. And she stayed – for more than 80 years. All the churches in western Guangxi knew her. When she was over 90 years old, she still continued to support younger co-workers to set up new places of worship. How did this single Hong Kong girl survive all her days? I asked her this question many years ago when I visited her. Her answer was simple and clear: "Pray. Get down on your knees. That's the only way." She continued, "The going is tough! But we can manage. Thank God we have the Holy Spirit!" I was savoring her congee with pumpkin flowers and minced meat when she made this spiritual sharing. It was a most touching and thankful moment! Her countenance was warm, with a bit of childishness. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances!

It is my hope and prayer that brothers and sisters, especially in the Thanksgiving and Prayer Year, will learn and experience the difference it makes in walking with the Holy Spirit!