
二○二○年一月十八日/一月十九日                                                                                          Click here for English version




耶穌基督的降生,是關乎萬民的大喜信息(路二 10,新譯本),而那些傳美事報喜訊的人,他們的腳蹤多麼美!(羅十 15)誠然,人類的歷史與生活際遇,變幻無常,苦多於樂,故此,我們要幫助人與神建立關係,為尋求者的心靈帶來滿足(徒十七 27-28),引導人認識新造生命的恩典(林後五 17)。 為此,我們要認識福音的真義——耶穌的降生與受死能引領離罪悔改、困苦哀傷的人,經歷神救贖的慈愛與安慰;基督的復活與再來,則能激勵我們活出聖潔的生命、認定神權能的應許與公義的審判,叫我們為信仰打那美好的仗,持定永生(提前六 12)。

「神的兒子耶穌基督福音的開始。」(可一 1)這節經文在我們在傳揚福音的事奉上極具意義。主耶穌的一生,不單是福音的傳講內容,祂更是我們傳揚福音時效法的榜樣。耶穌呼籲門徒為差遣工人往福音的禾場祈禱,祂邀請門徒同行,走遍各城各鄉宣揚福音,憐憫困苦無依的人,帶領未信者歸入愛子的國度(太九 35-36;西一 13-14)。

在信仰成長的過程中,我們或會對傳揚福音的使命有疑慮和抗拒,因為猶如先知以賽亞所說:「誰會相信我們所傳的?耶和華的膀臂向誰顯露呢?」(賽五十三 1)但感謝神,天父會把好東西(聖靈的內住)賜給求祂的人(太七 11),祂藉著在我們心中運行的能力,使我們有各樣的智慧,竭力傳揚基督的福音(西一 28-29)。

北宣的成立,始於神學生佈道隊的事奉。那些未聞福音的社區、群體與族群,不論是遠是近,不論文化上與我們有多大差異,他們仍是我們的福音對象。顯然,未來我們傳福音的行動,將會成為檢視信仰的機會,因為透過與慕道者的對話同行,我們會知道自己在信仰上有缺欠,並需要尋求靈命的更新。我們當知道,認識耶和華之榮耀的知識必充滿全地,好像眾水遮蓋海洋一樣(賽十一 9;哈二 14)。


Pastor's Sharing
Preaching the Gospel with Our Utmost
Rev Samuel Tam

Today is Evangelism Sunday. It is also the Covenant Day of our Mission Ambassadors. You probably will ask: What should we do in response to the Lord's will and entrustment as far as local and overseas evangelism are concerned?

Know the real meaning of the gospel: The birth of Christ is good news that will cause great joy for all the people (Luke 2:10), and the feet of those who bring good news are beautiful (Romans 10:15)! Down through the ages, human history and circumstances have been unpredictable. Life is bittersweet. We therefore need to help bring people into a relationship with God so that the longing souls may be satisfied (Acts 17:27-28) and that they would know the grace of the new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

As such, we must know the real meaning of the gospel – The birth and crucifixion of Christ can lead us to repentance and away from our sins, and those in tribulation and distress can experience the lovingkindness and comfort of God's redemption; the resurrection and second coming of Christ can spur us on to holy living, and recognize the promises out of His sovereignty and His righteous judgment. We will fight the good fight of the faith and take hold of the eternal life (1 Timothy 6:12).

Follow the example of Christ: "The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God…" (Mark 1:1) is a very meaningful verse in our ministry of preaching the gospel. The life of Jesus is not only the subject of what we preach but also an example for us in spreading the good news. Jesus called on His disciples to pray for sending workers to the harvest fields. He invited His disciples to walk with Him through all the towns and villages to proclaim the gospel, show compassion on those who are helpless and in difficulty and bring people into the kingdom of the Son (Matthew 9:35-36; Colossians 1:13-14).

Along the journey of faith, we may at times have doubts about, and resistance towards, the mission of sharing the gospel. It is just like the prophet Isaiah who asked: "Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" (Isaiah 53:1) But thanks be to God, our Father in heaven will give good gifts (the indwelling Spirit) to those who ask Him (Matthew 7:11). With the energy so powerfully works in us, He gives us all wisdom to proclaim the gospel of Christ (Colossians 1:28-29).

Be ministers of the gospel: NPAC was the fruit of the evangelism work of a team of seminary students. Communities and people groups that have never heard about the gospel, whether remote or near and regardless of their cultural backgrounds, are our targets for evangelism. Admittedly, the evangelistic work to be done will also present an opportunity for us to reflect on our own faith. It is because as we walk and talk with those who seek the Lord, we will find deficiencies in our own faith and areas that need spiritual renewal. But we must know that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14).

Dear brothers and sisters, let us be humble and cherish the opportunities to serve as ministers of the gospel with our utmost, knowing that those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.