
二○二○年二月一日/二月二日                                                                                          Click here for English version



路加福音全書最後兩節經文:「他們就敬拜祂,歡歡喜喜地回到耶路撒冷,常常在殿裡稱頌神。」(二十四 52-53,新譯本)將福音書的焦點,帶回「敬拜」這個主題上。細心閱讀,我們發覺上文,就是門徒在以馬午斯遇見耶穌的記載(13-35 節),原來可幫助我們對「敬拜」有更深的認識。

門徒在以馬午斯路上談論的,當然是有關主耶穌的事情。但令人詫異的是,當耶穌出現在他們面前時(13-15 節),他們竟認不出祂是主。聖經說:「他們的眼睛卻給蒙蔽了」(16 節)。我們相信一個按真理及聖靈帶領的崇拜,神必然臨在,反而信徒要謹慎,察看自己的「眼睛有沒有給蒙蔽了」,繁忙的生活節奏、記掛著崇拜後的假日活動、或以旁觀者心態「觀看」崇拜,這些都是「蒙蔽人眼睛」的障礙物,往往使我們錯過在崇拜中與神相遇的機會。

接著門徒跟主耶穌講述「拿撒勒人耶穌的事」(19-24 節),細緻的描述並沒有換來耶穌的讚賞,反而是一句「無知的人哪」(25 節)。主「於是從摩西和眾先知起,把所有關於自己的經文,都給他們解釋明白了。」(27 節)門徒看見的,就只是面前的世界,即使有耶穌出現,也不過是敘事中的一個角色。但主耶穌要他們明白的,卻是神藉聖經的啟示——祂就是基督,是世界及人類的救贖主。信徒在世上生活,離不開對面前發生事情的關注。然而在崇拜中,神要藉聖言的宣講,更新你我對世界的認識。我們被差遣進入世界,就是為這真理作見證。

門徒跟耶穌相處了大半天,到晚飯時才認出主耶穌來(31 節)。留意,祂喚醒門徒的方法,是藉擘餅的行動。一個簡單的動作令門徒的眼睛開了,看見主的同在和慈愛,信心與盼望就由此而生(32-35 節)。今天我們在崇拜中施行聖禮,目的是以可見的行動,彰顯及見證那不可見的恩典。這恩典是因主耶穌成就的一切而確立。因此,沒有對主耶穌基督的認識、沒有對祂的委身,聖禮,就只會化為宗教行為而已,不會帶來靈命的更新。

崇拜的實踐幫助我們認識神,也同時認識崇拜。神的靈是活潑的,在崇拜中神可藉任何程序向你說話,關鍵在我們是否準備好去迎接祂。願我們都能和應詩人的禱告:「至於我,我必憑著祢豐盛的慈愛,進入祢的殿;我要存著敬畏祢的心,向祢的聖所敬拜。」(詩五 7)

Pastor's Sharing
Worship God in Reverence
Rev Raymond Chan

The Gospel of Luke ends like this: "Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God" (Luke 24:52-53). The ending takes the focus of the gospel book back to worship. If we read with care, we will find that the scenario before (vv.13-35) about Jesus appearing to the disciples on the road to Emmaus can deepen our understanding of 'worship.'

Quite naturally, the disciples talked about Jesus on the road to Emmaus. But surprisingly, when Jesus appeared to them (vv.13-15), they were unable to recognize the Lord. The Bible says, "they were kept from recognizing him" (v.16). We believe in the presence of God at worship conducted in accordance with the truth and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, believers need to be vigilant and make sure they are not kept from recognizing the Lord. The hustle and bustle of city life, preparations about holiday activities after the worship service and "observing" the worship service as a bystander can all keep us from recognizing and encountering the Lord during worship.

Then, the disciples talked to the Lord about "Jesus of Nazareth" (vv.19-24). However, their detailed recounting of the events did not win them praises from the Lord, but the remark "How foolish you are" (v.25). “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself” (v.27). What the disciples saw was only the world in front of them. Even though Jesus appeared to them, He was just a character in the narrative. What Jesus wanted them to understand was the revelation in the Scriptures – that He is Christ, redeemer of the world and man. It is understandable that believers are concerned about what is happening around them. However, at worship, God will renew our understanding about the world through the proclamation of the Word. We are sent into the world to bear witness to the truth.

It was not until dinner time, after almost a whole day with the disciples, that Jesus was recognized (v.31). Note here that Jesus "woke" them up by the simple action of breaking bread. The disciples were then able to see the Lord's presence and lovingkindness, which ignited their faith and hope (vv.32-35). Today, the purpose of the sacraments in worship is to exemplify and testify to the invisible reality of grace with visible acts. Such grace was affirmed by all that the Lord Jesus had accomplished. Therefore, without knowing Jesus Christ and without committing our lives to Him, liturgies will only be religious acts that will not bring spiritual renewal.

Taking part in worship helps us to better know God and understand what worship is. The Spirit of God is active. At worship, God can speak to us through any part of the service. The key is whether we are prepared to meet Him. May we all be able to echo the prayer of the psalmist: "But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence I bow down toward your holy temple" (Psalm 5:7).