
二○二○年二月八日/二月九日                                                                                              Click here for English version



踏入 2020 年不到一個月,香港市民已在新型肺炎的侵襲下,生活與作息、個人與社交,均起了急遽改變。基督徒置身其中,也不能倖免於難,我們的崇拜生活、團組活動,以至學習、訓練、會議,也大受影響。我們每時每刻留意著疫情消息,為之祈禱交託,並帶上口罩,注重個人衛生,但除此之外,我們的生活就像一夜之間停頓了下來似的。與此同時,在疫情惡化的陰霾下,我們的生活也越趨惶恐、不安與困惑。

希伯來書的作者提醒那些同樣面對惶恐、不安與困惑的信徒,說:「我們既得了不能震動的國,就當感恩,照神所喜悅的,用虔誠、敬畏的心事奉神」(十二 28)。昔日信徒面對的處境雖與今天有別,但是人心靈需要的慰藉與轉化,卻如出一轍。這令我想起近日三個在逆境中仍以愛心事奉神、服事人的感恩見證。


第二,近期教會內的團組活動相繼取消,有一團契的團長知道團友少了見面,再加上有些患病肢體出入醫院頻繁,這位團長便透過電話加倍關心團友,並用 WhatsApp 發放代禱事項。這種不辭勞苦、緊守崗位、臨機應變的能耐,明顯是愛團友、惜友情的屬天感召。





Pastor's Sharing
Ministry of Love at the Height of the Epidemic
Rev Wayne Cheung

The routines and habits, personal and social life of Hong Kong citizens have been disrupted since the coronavirus struck less than a month into 2020. Christians are subject to the same impact as their fellow citizens. Our worship services, fellowship and group activities, learning, training and meetings have all been greatly affected. We keep a close watch on the news and development of the outbreak, pray, put on face masks and pay close attention to personal hygiene. It looks as though our lives have come to a halt overnight. Meanwhile, as the situation gets worse, our fear, anxiety and confusion grows.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews has this to say to the fearful, worried and bewildered believers: "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe" (12:28). The believers then faced a different situation from ours, but the comfort and renewal needed for the soul is the same. This reminds me of three recent testimonies of thanksgiving of believers who continue their service to God and man in adversity.

The first took place two weeks ago just before a Sunday worship service. One ministry leader came to church much earlier than usual. She knew that precautionary measures had been stepped up and was a little worried that those serving in the frontline may not be able to handle everything. So, she voluntarily stationed herself at the entrance to the Main Church to sanitize the hands of the incoming worshipers and to gently answer their questions. Her love of the church and believers is evidenced by her considerate, humble service out of admirable spirituality.

The second is this. Many fellowship and group activities at church have been canceled recently. Aware of the fact that fellowship members meet less frequently and some of them often have to visit people in hospitals, one fellowship leader conveys his care for the members by phone and sends prayer items by WhatsApp. We can see that he loves his fellowship members and cherishes friendship. He responds to a heavenly call by persisting with his duties, working hard and adjusting to the changing circumstances.

The third testimony is about the pastoral staff and ministry leaders of the Disability Ministry, who used to carry out outreach visits and ministries every week. Due to the severity of the outbreak, their outreach has to stop but they have not given up. They make videos of teaching, sharing, encouragement and prayer and send them to the disabled communities in various homes and institutions. Their heavenly duties are carried out by means of creative and lively pastoring in brotherly love and care.

A Covenant Day for Ministry Leaders will be held at a later date. Through the occasion, the church wishes to affirm the faithful service of the ministry leaders of the NPAC family over the years. At the same time, it also allows the ministry leaders to renew their covenant before God and man so they will serve with godliness, love and humility, to magnify God and be His blessing to others.

We are God's creation in Christ. Whether in prosperity or adversity, followers of the Lord Jesus should not only look to their own interests but should serve God and others with love and sincerity.

It is for this that we live and were born. May God establish us in Him!