
二○二○年四月二十五日/四月二十六日                                                                                    Click here for English version




大專:據同工的了解,今次疫情的衝擊,對一些大專團友來說有如「信仰海嘯」。上學的日常運作完全被打亂,而參與網上課堂和做功課的動力卻不大;在足不出戶、缺乏社交活動的情況下,「煲劇」和打機的時間倍增。大專弟兄姊妹現時普遍每天進行四次Zoom:上課、group projects、團契或小組等。部分團友因生活秩序紊亂,以致參與網上聚會不穩定,甚至有停止的;也有團友缺乏動力靈修或參與網上崇拜。有些更出現鬱悶情緒,極需關心和鼓勵。另外,現時失業潮亦波及大專生,他們難於安排internship,而應屆畢業團友更要面對急速惡化的就業市場。在當今的處境下,大專弟兄姊妹對未來大都感到徬徨不安,求主使用牧者與導師的關愛和引導,堅固年輕肢體的信心。


青年夫婦:青年夫婦同樣要面對彈性上班、home office帶來的生活變化,不少更要為停課的子女傷腦筋,再加上收入減少和工作前景不明朗,挑戰實在很大。但喜見大家仍然樂於透過網上團契來繼續聚會,願意在視像前彼此深入分享和代求。一個夫婦團有一次舉行網上團契,連同小孩竟然有100人出席。這期間更有移民加國的團友前來參與,在這艱難的時候網上重逢相聚,互相記念。青年夫婦群體也正在積極摸索令團友更容易投入網上團契的方式。


Pastor's Sharing
COVID-19: Challenges Facing Our Young People
Rev Catherine Law

Ever since the outbreak of the pandemic, pastors of the NPAC Young Adults Ministry have been "Zooming" day and night to closely minister to brothers and sisters using an alternative platform in a bid to understand the challenges facing our young people under the pandemic.

Tertiary: We can see that to the tertiary members of our fellowships, the pandemic is like “a tsunami of faith.” Schooling routine is disrupted for the time being. There is limited motivation for online tuition and home assignments. Homebound and without social activities, they spend much more time on video games, movies and TV episodes. Most tertiary brothers and sisters use Zoom four times a day: for tuition, group projects, fellowship or small groups, etc. For some, the disruption to daily routine has made their attendance of online meetings somewhat unstable. Some others lack the initiative for quiet time or online worship. Some even feel depressed and are in dire need of care and encouragement. Meanwhile, tertiary students are also hit by the new wave of unemployment and find it hard to get internship. This year's graduates are faced with a rapidly deteriorating job market. Under the current circumstances, many brothers and sisters feel anxious and uncertain about the future. May God strengthen the faith of our young people through the care and guidance of our pastors and counselors.

Young working adults: They seem to be better able to adapt to the latest changes. Although not all of them embrace the virtual gatherings, some are able to invite guests to join. Attendance at Bible pre-studies has actually increased. It is not easy at all to arrange programs for online fellowship meetings, and committee members are often at a loss as to what else can be done. Nevertheless, we do see some new attempts under the joint efforts of counselors and fellowship committee members. One fellowship invited a few pastors to perform their favorite nursery rhymes. Inevitably, the drastic economic downturn has put pressure on the work and salary of our young adults. May God keep them and may they always look unto God for guidance.

Young Couples: They are faced with changes to their daily lives due to flexible working hours and home office. Many find it challenging to handle their children with school suspension. They also have the added challenges of decreased pay and uncertain job prospects. I am happy to see that they continue to meet online, sharing deeply and praying for one another. One of the young couple fellowships once saw an attendance of 100 at their online meeting, including their children. Some online meetings were joined by brothers and sisters who had emigrated to Canada for a reunion in a difficult time. These fellowships are also actively exploring ways to conduct online meetings that participants can engage more.

During this time, some young brothers and sisters of various age groups have asked how they could serve as they wish to offer whatever they can to help the church at this time of tremendous need. We are most thankful to the Lord for that during the pandemic!