
二○二○年五月十六日/五月十七日                                                                                        Click here for English version



過去三個多月,香港人一直留在家中抗疫,到了 5 月初的公眾假期,大家都湧到海灘及郊外。有人說鬱悶在家實在太久,再不出去走走真怕會悶瘋了。

我們實在忙慣了,要停下來是好難適應。信徒也不例外,只習慣做馬大,以賽亞先知曾責備以色列人,說:「因為主耶和華以色列的聖者這樣說:『你們得救在於悔改和安息,你們得力在於平靜和信靠。』但你們竟不願意。」(賽三十 15,新譯本)而新冠肺炎的疫情,正是神給我們歸回安息、反省生命和成長的機會。

疫情令整個世界都突然間停擺了,往日我們營營役役,這時卻被迫看清楚生命中的優次,耶穌說:「人若賺得全世界,卻賠上自己的生命,有甚麼好處呢?人還能用甚麼換回自己的生命呢?」(太十六 26)有信徒因為沒法去聚會、事奉、娛樂,就多了時間靈修,以及為自己、家人的健康、香港及世界的疫情祈禱,因而與上帝的關係親近了。擱在一旁的屬靈書籍如今重見天日,自己也多了空間參加網上課程,因而發現資源是多麼豐富。主日沒可能參與的普崇、英崇、TC5,甚至少崇、兒崇,現在都可以觀看錄播,飽啖靈糧。最近麵粉供不應求,都是因為不少人在家學做麵包糕餅,以消磨時間,因此烹飪技巧大有進步。




Pastor's Sharing
Growing in the Pandemic
Rev Hung Kwai Fong

For more than three months, Hong Kong people have been homebound. And when the public holiday in early May finally arrived, people went flocking to beaches and the countryside. It has been a long time. Some say they may go mad if they do not go outside.

We are accustomed to being busy. It is difficult to adapt to pauses. Likewise, many believers are accustomed to being a Martha. But the prophet Isaiah has reprimanded the Israelites: 'This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it"' (Isaiah 30:15). The coronavirus pandemic presents an opportunity to regain rest, to reflect on our lives and to grow.

Amid the global lockdown, we take a good look at ourselves - our toils and moils, our priorities in life. Jesus said: "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" (Matthew 16:26) The suspension of in-church meetings and ministry, and entertainment has allowed more time for some believers to do their daily devotional and prayer, praying for good health for themselves and their family, and an end to the pandemic in Hong Kong and the world. They feel that they are closer to God than before. They dig out some Christian literature and attend online courses. They find that resources are truly abundant! Those who are usually not able to attend Putonghua worship service, English worship service and TC5, and even youth and children's worship services can now benefit spiritually from all the pre-recorded worship services. There has recently been a shortage of flour supply. And that is because many people make their own cakes and bread at home. They become better cooks.

There is bound to be some tension when parents work from home and children cannot go to school yet. Some parents find it really tough. Some others do cherish the opportunities to stay together and communicate. They use whatever is available at home to create games, play, do crafts, cook and exercise with their children in the limited space. At night time, they read Bible stories to their children at bedside, pray and have family worship, thus strengthening family ties.

Some brothers and sisters send regards to fellow believers by phone and text, pray for them, share anti-pandemic products and even deliver communion packs to them. Some others assiduously explain, encourage and assist those who cannot handle online meetings so they can continue to worship and meet online. In the pandemic, they not only care about their own business, but also that of others.

The pandemic must have happened with God's permission. And many people try to guess why God allow it to happen. For one thing, I think it gives us an opportunity to stop and examine our lives, adjust our direction and practice mutual care and support. All of these please God. May God teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.