
二○二○年六月十九日/二十日/二十一日                                                                               Click here for English version




誠然,健康的教會既是一個活潑的有機體,亦同時是積極事奉的屬靈群體,教會成員深明各盡其職的事奉觀、建立基督身體的使命觀,以及進深信仰的成長觀(參弗四 12-13)。一場世紀疫症,正好讓我們一方面學習隨機應變,適度有為,心意更新而變化;另方面也讓我們放慢腳步,審時度勢,是深切反思教會事工的契機。


聖經有兩段關於事奉的經典經文,羅馬書十二章 1 節指出信徒的事奉要活潑、聖潔、蒙神喜悅,希伯來書十二章 28 節則強調事奉者要心存虔誠和敬畏。兩處經文不但提出事奉者的應有質素與心態,還表明事奉的焦點就是對上帝的敬拜。在疫情底下的教會生活,我們要反思的,或許不是有否參與鎂光燈下的某項事工與活動,而是我們有沒有不論環境順逆,仍能尊崇那位愛人的上帝,跟隨祂佳美的腳蹤。

記得很多年前在事奉領袖的課堂上,提到三個 S 的原則:Servant(僕人)、Shepherd(牧者)、Steward(管家)。我想無論環境怎樣變遷,無論事奉生態如何與現實存有落差,信徒仍需心存謙遜服事主、造就人。同時,他們亦要在自身可觸及的範圍內,關心他人,彼此牧養;在不理想的狀況之下,放下繁文縟節,多點人性化的關顧與守望。最後,每一個事奉者都是主的管家,既知道日後要向主交帳,就要忠於所託,莊敬自強。

Pastor's Sharing
Environment and Mindset: Ministry Reflections amid the Pandemic
Rev Wayne Cheung

In the past almost half a year, the impact of the coronavirus on the world due to the speed and coverage of its spread is unprecedented. Many respects of life are deeply affected. Many nations or regions, economies and livelihoods, communities and individuals have come to a standstill. Church meetings and ministries were no exception and had to be suspended.

A healthy church is a living organism. It is also a spiritual community in active ministry. Church members know they have different roles in their works of service, that building up the body of Christ is their mission, and they are to mature to attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13). The pandemic also presents a good opportunity for us to learn how to adapt and do what we can, to renew our mindset, slow down, gauge the situation and reflect on how we are doing in church ministries.

In good, stable times, the church has a lot of resources for shepherding. Various ministries are created. Once started, however, ministries seldom come to an end. Many have even continued year after year without evaluating their effectiveness. Although the pandemic has stopped in-church meetings, it also provides room for ministry leaders to reflect on which ministry should be retained and which ones can really be withdrawn or changed. The church should not be just a service provider of religious programs. It should also take the initiative to examine what sort of shepherding believers need and how ministry leaders should adjust their ministry mindset in the changing environment.

There are two classic verses about ministry in the Bible. Romans 12:1 points to "a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" while Hebrews 12:28 says we should "worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." These verses define the quality and mentality of those who serve and state that our ministry should focus on the worship of God. In the midst of the pandemic, let us reflect perhaps not on whether we have participated in certain ministries or activities under the limelight, but on whether we have revered the loving God and followed in His steps in good times and bad.

Years ago in a class for ministry leaders, I mentioned the principle of three "s": Servant, Shepherd and Steward. However the times may change, and however different the physical environment may be from what it used to be, believers should humbly serve the Lord and build up each other. They should care for the people around them and shepherd one another. Where circumstances do not permit, scrap the details and simply practice loving care and watching out for each other. Finally, all who serve are stewards of the Lord. They know well that some day they will have to give an account to God and that they should faithfully serve according to what is entrusted to them, with reverence and towards the betterment of themselves.