
二○二○年七月二十五/二十六日                                                                                            Click here for English version




詩篇七十八篇中,詩人立志要把神的能力和奇妙作為講述給後代知道,因為他知道,人若忘記神在過去顯明的作為,今天便不會跟從主。「神啊,我們稱謝祢,我們稱謝祢!因為祢的名相近,人都述說祢奇妙的作為。」(詩七十五 1)這一節的意思是說,當人述說神奇妙的作為時,神便臨近他。因此屬神的人若沒有在個人默想聖經或群體敬拜中,思想神在歷史及自己身上所作的奇事,就必然會很少體會神的親近、神的慈愛。

主曾告訴我們:「在世上,你們有苦難。」我們會經歷生活環境的變化、社會上惡人帶來的傷害,以及我們對個人、家庭、前途的憂慮。⋯⋯我們的心思會四處尋索更好的保障、更好的將來,但假若我們因此而忘了回想神的作為,便會「不遵守神的約,又忘記祂所行的,和祂顯給他們奇妙的作為。」(參詩七十八 10-11)神常會讓我們繼續承受那些困難或是苦難,直至我們懂得「在苦難中哀求耶和華,祂從他們的禍患中拯救他們。」(參詩一○七 6、13、19、28)因此人要再一次回想神的慈愛,倚靠祂的慈愛,如此才能坦然面對以後的困境。「凡有智慧的,必在這些事上留心,也必思想耶和華的慈愛。」(詩一○七 43)

人面對生活各種艱難、不義、傷害時,最能夠保障他的,就是倚靠和進入神的慈愛。在艱難的日子中拼命積聚財富、用各種手段去建立自己地位前途的人,並不能被堅立,因為他沒有立定志向:「至於我,就像神殿中的青橄欖樹;我永永遠遠倚靠神的慈愛。」(詩五十二 8)



Pastor's Sharing
Abiding in God's Love
Rev Gordon Siu

Now that I am retired, I have spent much time reading the spiritual journals that I have accumulated over the years. Memories came back. Experiences were relived. When I read my notes, I was overwhelmed by a sense of inferiority and inadequacy. But then quickly, I noted the mighty hand of God in my life and in the church throughout. God's grace has covered my weaknesses and His lovingkindness has been with me. That walk down the memory lane was an unexpected experience of God's walk with me during this period.

In Psalm 78, the psalmist commits to telling the next generation about God's power and the wonders He has done. The psalmist knew that if people forget God's wondrous works in the past, they will no longer follow the Lord. "We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds" (Psalm 75:1). This verse tells us that when people tell of God's wonderful deeds, God is near. Therefore, during personal Scripture meditation or corporate worship, God's people will hardly realize His lovingkindness and His nearness if they do not ponder His wondrous works in history and in their lives.

The Lord has told us: "In this world you will have trouble." We will experience changes in the living environment, damage done by evil people in society, anxiety over family, ourselves and the future… We will seek a better guarantee, a more secure future. But if, for this reason, we forget to ponder the wonders God has done, we will be like the Israelites who "did not keep God's covenant and refused to live by his law. They forgot what he had done, the wonders he had shown them" (Psalm 78:10-11). God will continue to leave us in trouble and adversity until we would cry out to Him, and He would deliver us from distress (See Psalm 107:6, 13, 19, 28). So man must remember God's lovingkindness and rely on His love before he can squarely face his troubles. "Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord" (Psalm 107:43).

In the face of hardship, injustice and harm, the best guarantee man can ever have is to rely on and enter into God's love. One who tries hard to accumulate wealth during hard times and use every means to strengthen his own status and future cannot be established for he is not committed: "But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever" (Psalm 52:8).

Those who have the love of God deep within their heart are the bravest. They are no longer subject to the toll of the world's values. They are content at heart. Therefore, they would not look everywhere and can focus on obeying God. And although they may suffer for righteous deeds and be hurt by those who do evil, they can nevertheless be strong and resilient, insisting on doing good. That is because they believe in God's sovereign grace. They also believe that God's lovingkindness will never leave them.

Dear brothers and sisters, in these hard times, let us ponder God's deeds. Let us abide in the love of God.