
二○二○年八月一日/二日                                                                                                        Click here for English version

走新路 · 唱新歌


那天第一次沿著山澗道,登小馬山山頂欣賞夕陽,迎著清涼晚風繼續上畢拿山,而後藉著手機的微光,直下 599 級階梯到大風坳。由於傍晚近六點才啟行,體力有限也走不快,沿途又不斷驚歎於大自然的美而駐足拍照,因此到了柏架山道要往鰂魚涌時,已是漆黑一片。

能完成這超過自己能力的行程,要感謝主為我預備了領路者。去年初因深感鍛鍊身體的需要,又得克服自己的懶惰、怕辛苦、以忙碌為藉口,於是開始上健身中心,在那裡結識了一兩人,M 是其中一位,她也住附近。當疫情嚴峻、健身中心停業期間,M 便去行山。她知道我也想鍛鍊,邀我同行,我欣然答應。更期待有一天,她也願意接受邀請,進入上主的豐盛恩典中。

M 不但腳程快過我,在山上較平坦處她還喜歡跑步,所以她會在下一個分叉路口等我,再走下一段路。我是路痴,上山更是,只敢白天在附近山徑逛逛,因為有個識途老馬的 M 帶路,才能放膽徜徉在群山間、落日餘暉的美景中,不怕夜幕低垂。

常想到自己成長在民間宗教信仰濃厚的鄉村,竟能蒙宇宙萬物至高主的揀選,一生跟隨祂的道,以致無論身處青草地溪水旁或是幽谷深淵,都有祂的恩惠與慈愛追隨、護庇,就感到自己超級幸福。這樣的幸福感,經常會迸現於日常生活的大小事中,就像那天行山,又或漫步於燈光璀璨的維港海濱,又可能就在網上聚會時。有一次,A 分享她在疫情中,體會到上主垂聽禱告,讓她經歷丈夫的態度轉變與發現丈夫的細緻體貼,在她的哽咽背後,是上主的憐憫與奇妙作為。



Pastor's Sharing
New Song at a New Turn
Rev Libby Wang

I can't forget the first time I walked up to Siu Ma Shan along the babbling brooks to watch the sunset. A gentle breeze was blowing and we continued up to Mount Butler before descending 599 steps down to Quarry Gap. Our way was lit by the dim flashlight of a handset. We set out at around 6pm and with our limited physical strength, slow pace and photo-taking as we marveled at the stunning scenery along the way, it was completely dark when we finally landed at Mount Parker Road in Quarry Bay.

Having been able to finish the journey that was beyond my capacity, I have to thank God for preparing a guide for me. Last year, I started going to a gym as I strongly felt the need to stay in shape and to overcome my laziness and fear of training. There I met a couple of friends. One of them, Ms M, is my neighbor. When the pandemic surged and the gym was closed, she invited me to join her to hike. I gladly accepted. I also look forward to the day when she will accept the invitation to enter into the abundant grace of God.

My friend is accustomed to hiking. Where the ground is level, she likes to run. There she is – always waiting for me at the next turn before we continue the next section. I have a weak sense of direction, especially in the hills. I only dare to walk leisurely on the paths in daytime. It was only because M was there to lead the way was I not afraid to walk in the hills, enjoying the beautiful sunset as the night approached.

I grew up in a village steeped in religious tradition. I am often amazed to find myself chosen by God Most High, to follow Him all my life and be accompanied and protected by His grace and lovingkindness wherever I go. Whether in pastures green or the valley of the shadow of death, the joy of faith abounds. Whether during a walk in the hills or along the glittering harbor front at night, or during church online meetings, the joy is there. Ms A shared that she was grateful for the Lord who heard her prayer during the pandemic. Her husband had since displayed a change of attitude and shown greater love and care for her. She was emotional when she talked about it. That was God's compassion and wondrous works.

The past year has been a roller coaster experience for Hong Kong. Nobody knows where the next turn will take us. But it is obviously the intention of the roller coaster designer and operator to land the passengers safety back on the ground after the thrills. I have been asked whether I would return to Taiwan. To be frank, I never thought about that! My only hope and prayer is that during this period, I will learn to rely on the Lord more. I am convinced that the all-knowing, almighty God is guiding us to walk on a path we have never known. We need to be vigilant with Him so as not to miss His tiny voice in the whirlwind.

The psalmists have often called on the children of God to sing to Him a new song. One day, we will sing a new song of redemption in the new heaven and new earth. Meanwhile, on a path apparently leading away from stability and prosperity, we are all the more called upon to experience God by faith and to sing a new song exalting His faithfulness, lovingkindness, justice and power.