
二○二○年十月二十四日/二十五日                                                                                          Click here for English version




夫妻相處久了,每逢外出,往往都是並排而坐,眼睛望著的,可能已由昔日的白雪公主、白馬王子,變成自己的小公主、小王子。有一次我偶然遠遠看到太太在教會忙碌地打點事情,突然想到生活中實在少了面對面望著她、欣賞她。心中有一個反思:許多夫婦在拍拖時常因著各自獨特的不同而「彼此吸引」,為何進入婚姻後竟變成「彼此不滿」?耶和華造男造女時,「用從那人身上所取的肋骨,造了一個女人」(創二 22,新譯本),「肋骨」原文有「一邊」的意思。有一個有趣的聯想:無論神取的是那人的左邊還是右邊,兩邊總是不同和相對的。這個不同、甚至相對,正是二人能彼此吸引、成為對方「相配的幫手」(二 18、20)、能互相「拯救」對方的原因。有一句諺語:「若要人似我,除非兩個我;就是兩個我,心也覺不妥。」試問如果夫妻都是一樣,又怎能豐富對方的生命呢?無論結婚有多久,總要多去回想對方昔日吸引自己的地方,進一步擴闊我們今天對事情的眼光,讓我們能在前面有更「美好全面」的決定。

除了延伸拍拖時的欣賞,更要延伸拍拖時的渴望。香港人慣於分析事情,並快速高效地回應,但卻往往少了一份對人的體諒,也因而失去了一種自省:為何昔日渴望認識對方、理解對方的心像是消失了?縱使未能認同配偶的一些決定,但我有盡力去理解對方的原因、先去肯定對方的真實感受嗎?「夫妻二人赤身露體,彼此都不覺得羞恥」(二 25),有人因而強調夫妻要「赤誠地表露真我」,夫妻間的言談再不用小心謹慎了。但是,正正因為二人成為一體,所以更要溫柔地顧惜對方,相敬如賓,不可失去愛裡的彼此尊重,不叫對方有受罰的懼怕。願我們多將昔日拍拖時的心,延伸到今天的夫妻關係中。願在主裡彼此互勉提醒。

Pastor's Sharing
Keep Marriage Moving Forward
Rev Andrew Tsang

Dear brothers and sisters, how has been your family relationship – particularly the relationship with your spouse – during the pandemic when you have to work from home? I remember a press report from Japan in the early days of the pandemic which says that with husband and wife spending long hours together at home, significantly more marriage problems and divorces arose. Those of you who have attended pre-marriage counseling will remember the "marriage pressure cooker." Problems in relating to each other will not disappear with the passage of time. Today, in particular, different views on issues such as children’s education, political disparity, the decision to leave or not can hurt the ties.

As time goes by, husband and wife would sit side by side whenever they go out. Their eyes are glued not to the Snow White or Prince Charming of the past but to their little ones, who are now the princesses and princes. I once saw my wife from a distance busy at church work and suddenly thought that indeed there has been less time in life when I would look at her face to face and appreciate her. I had some reflection: When we were dating, we were attracted to each other due to our unique differences but we become dissatisfied with each other after getting married. When God made man and woman, "… the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man" (Genesis 2:22). The Hebrew word for "rib" designates the "side." This brings an interesting thought: Whichever side God used – whether the left or the right – it must be different from the other side but still corresponds to the other. Such a difference and their being opposites is what makes it attractive to its counterpart. That is also how the two can complement each other (Genesis 2:18, 20) and even 'rescue' each other. There is a Chinese proverb that says: "No others is like me unless there are two me's. But if I find two me's, I won't feel right." It is true that if the husband is exactly the same as the wife, how can they enrich each other's life? No matter how long we have been married, we need to think back more often at the qualities that attracted us to our spouses in the past. Let us broaden our view towards the present and look forward to the days ahead with better and more comprehensive decisions.

We need to extend our aspirations and mutual appreciation during dating into our present marriage life. In Hong Kong, people are accustomed to analyzing everything. They respond quickly and effectively, but often without much empathy and self-reflection: Where is that aspiration to get to know and understand him or her? Even if we cannot agree with some of our spouse’s decisions, have we tried our best to understand the reasons behind and to affirm their genuine feelings first? "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame" (Genesis 2:25). Based on this verse, some would emphasize that husband and wife must "show their real self unreservedly" and not mind one's words in any way. But it is exactly because the two have become one that they need to gently cherish each other. They need to respect each other and do so in love so that they would not have the fear of being punished. Let us extend our aspirations during dating into our present marriage relationship. This I share with you in mutual exhortation and as a kind reminder.