
二○二○年十月三十一日/十一月一日                                                                                      Click here for English version






回想這動人的情景,是甚麼吸引我呢?的確這位組長所作的美善很吸引著我,然而,我深深感到被觸動,還是因為想起雅各書一 17 的話:「各樣美好的賞賜,各樣完備的恩賜,都是從上面、從眾光之父降下來的……」(新譯本)這位組長各樣美好的恩賜,是愛我們的天父賜給她的。天父樂意與我們分享本屬祂自己的美善,目的是讓我們知道,在那裡看見美善,就在那裡就看見祂親自的同在。正如馮蔭坤博士所言:「賜恩者(賜平安的主)與所賜的恩(平安)不能分割,(平安)不能離開(賜平安的主)而單獨存在。」[《帖撒羅尼迦後書》(香港:天道,2004),頁 371。]


Pastor's Sharing
The Disabilities Fellowship that Amazes
Rev Jenny Ching

Like most other fellowships, the Disabilities Fellowship had to go online during the pandemic. My recent participation in that seemingly ordinary fellowship was nothing short of an amazing experience.

The fellowship has devotional together every week. Once, the leader played a vision game with members. The game was intended to reveal the blind spots in our vision and in our lives. We found the game very interesting and so we actively participated in it. Indeed, we realized that there are blind spots in our vision. The leader then taught us that in tribulation, we all the more need to pray to God to open our mind’s eyes so we can see His wondrous works. I was amazed by the leader’s serious attitude and creativity. What happened afterwards amazed me even more.

During the group sharing, a visually impaired brother shared that the leader had in fact contacted him earlier to find out whether he would mind if they played the game in fellowship to reveal the blind spots in life. It was beyond the brother’s expectation that someone would care so much about his feelings. He felt warm and joyful. The leader’s meticulous care for the brother with disabilities amazed me. I may not be able to do the same.

When I think back at that moving scenario, what was it that touched me most? I was impressed by the good that the leader did. Yet, what touches me the most deeply is when I recalled James 1:17: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights…" The wonderful gifts of the leader were endowed by our Heavenly Father who loves us. He is most willing to share with us the goodness that belongs to Him. His aim is to let us know that where we see goodness, we see His personal presence. As Dr Ronald Fung says, the Giver of grace (God who offers peace) cannot be separated from the grace (peace) given. Peace cannot exist on its own apart from its Giver (which is God Himself). 1

I understand why that ordinary fellowship amazed me as I can see goodness that amazed me, which also allows me to see the most amazing God with us. I am sure not only me but members of the fellowship are also attracted by God’s goodness. Online fellowship meetings are indeed inconvenient to members. Some members talk via the chat functions or write what they want to say on a piece of paper because it is not convenient for them to talk when their family members are at home. Despite the inconvenience, they still do their best to attend fellowship meetings online. It is because they see the amazing God among us. Like what a sister shared: "For more than a year, I have not smiled happily. But when I hear all your sharing with simplicity and sincerity, I can't help smiling!"

1 Fung, R. (2004). 2 Thessalonians. Hong Kong: Tien Dao Publishing House