
二○二一年四月十日/十一日                                                                                                             Click here for English



「跨代牧養」是上帝要以色列民遵行的吩咐,目的是要使祂的約在以色列民中世世代代實現(創十七 7)。上帝曾對摩西說:「你要為我召集眾民,我要叫他們聽我的話,使他們在那地上生活的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓自己的兒女」(申四 10,新譯本)。今天我們也要在家中建構跨代的平台,好使上帝的恩惠在我們世世代代中實現。

建構屬靈的平台:挪亞、亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各及摩西在人生中不時會主動築壇獻祭(創十二 7,二十六 25,三十三 20),以宣認一切都是耶和華的恩惠,願意以祂為獨一的主。摩西勸以色列民遵行神的律例時提醒他們:「你只要自己謹慎,又要謹守你的心思,免得你忘了你親眼看見的事,又免得這些事在你有生之日離開你的心;總要把這些事傳給你的子子孫孫。」(申四 9)


建構節慶的平台:猶太人在節期會一家大小守節,為的是慶賀、記念上主的恩典和帶領,特別是每年的逾越節,會一起記念耶和華領他們出埃及地的救贖。在出埃及前的第一個逾越節,摩西對以色列的長老說明逾越節的意義,並要他們日後在應許地守節,因為「耶和華擊殺埃及人的時候,越過了在埃及的以色列人的房屋,救了我們的家」(出十二 27)。


「但從亙古到永遠,耶和華的慈愛臨到敬畏他的人;他的公義也歸於他們的子子孫孫。」(詩一○三 17)信仰傳承是家族最寶貴的遺產。

Pastor's Sharing
Establishing an "Intergenerational Ministry" in the Extended Family

Rev Kenneth Yum

"Intergenerational ministry" is God's command for the Israelites to make His covenant binding for generations to come (Genesis 17:7). God has said to Moses: "Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children" (Deuteronomy 4:10). Today, we also need to establish a platform for God's grace to be passed on to future generations in our extended family.

Spiritual platform: At various stages, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses built altars to make sacrifices to God (Genesis 12:7, 26:25, 33:20) to declare that all is God's grace and that God is their only Lord. Moses brought up this reminder when exhorting the Israelites to obey the law of God: "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them" (Deuteronomy 4:9).

Today, we can also nurture some spiritual habits in our extended family so everyone understands the importance of God to the family. I know a family which sets aside Sunday morning exclusively for attending church meetings (Sunday School and worship service) and makes no exception (whether it be children’s exam days or during visits by friends and relatives from faraway). They only do other things on Sunday afternoon. They would also go to church together to attend the Chinese New Year worship service, fund-raising events, and activities outside the fellowships. Even on vacation trips of the extended family, they would arrange time for family worship or devotional together.

Festival platform: Jewish families celebrate festivals together to celebrate and commemorate the LORD's grace and guidance. In particular, every year at Passover, they remember God's redemption in leading them out of Egypt. During the first Passover before leaving Egypt, Moses explained the meaning of Passover to the Israelite elders and commanded them to celebrate Passover in the Promised Land in future because "It is the Passover sacrifice to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians" (Exodus 12:27).

During liturgical seasons and traditional Chinese festivals, we can arrange celebrations and meal gatherings of our extended family with an element of faith. We can, for example, revisit the meaning of the liturgical seasons, share the spiritual journey of the family, and testify to how the LORD walks with us in good times and bad. During traditional Chinese holiday seasons, we usually have meal gatherings. We can take the opportunity to explain differences between Christian and non-Christian etiquette, for example, why believers only bring flowers during grave sweeping while non-believers bring a range of sacrificial offering.

"But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children" (Psalm 103:17). The inheritance of faith is by far the most valuable legacy.