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香港有 30 多萬外傭,接近一半來自印尼。印尼女傭總人數在十年間上升了八倍。其實每個女傭背後都有一個故事:有些是為了較高的工資而來到香港,以應付她們子女升學或患病家人就醫等需要;有些則想出國闖闖,香港或許能成為她們再到其他國家的踏腳石;有些則想脫離家庭及信仰習俗的束縛……

誠然,不少女傭在港的生活都是艱難的。女傭工作的地方,也就是她們的住處,以致她們不容易得到真正的休息;她們工時甚長,曾經有報告顯示她們每天平均工作 17 小時,僱主不時更希望工人不放假來幫忙做家務;女傭很難滿足到僱主的要求,一些僱主更因不滿女傭而辱罵她們;女傭為了要來港工作而身負重債,不敢輕易辭工……



超過 15 萬的印尼女傭已經來到香港,我深信若基督徒僱主有效地以言語和行為見證基督,傳福音的果效肯定比差派宣教士到印尼更大啊!

Pastor's Sharing
Loving Foreigners

Rev Kenneth Chong

A few years ago, the physical abuse of a domestic helper by a Hong Kong employer was widely reported by the news media in Hong Kong and Indonesia, which aroused international concern. Time magazine in the US even says the Indonesian helper was a "modern-day slave." Of course, we also see occasional reports of foreign domestic helpers playing malicious tricks on employers or their children. This worries many Hong Kong employers.

There are more than 300,000 foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong, half of them from Indonesia. The number of Indonesian maids has increased eightfold in the past 10 years. Behind each maid is a story: some come to Hong Kong for the higher wages to pay for children’s education or medical expenses of family members. Some want to explore other countries and Hong Kong might be a good stepping-stone. Some others try to break free from the bondage of family and religious traditions...

Admittedly, the life of many domestic helpers in Hong Kong is harsh. They live where they work so they cannot easily get a good rest. They work long hours – some reportedly working 17 hours a day. Some employers every now and then want them to work on holidays. It is not easy to meet the demands of the employers, and some helpers are scolded as a result. Many borrow heavy loans to come here so they dare not quit their jobs hastily...

Domestic helpers are a community of foreigners. The Bible teaches us to treat foreigners well. Leviticus 19:33-34 remind us to not mistreat them but we should love them as ourselves. The Israelites were enslaved and mistreated when they resided in Egypt. Yet, God heard their cry and saved them. So, when they entered the place God had prepared for them, God specially exhorted them to treat foreigners well. Likewise, we need to care for the foreigners in our midst. We need to put ourselves in their shoes and be considerate of them. They have left their home and are far away from their family faced with an unfamiliar culture. It is indeed not easy. Christians will be giving good testimony if they can lend a helping hand to the maids to help them overcome loneliness and difficulties.

Many NPAC families employ domestic helpers. From the perspective of God’s Kingdom, if these Indonesian maids come to Christ during their stay in Hong Kong, and if they are pastored and discipled in local churches, they will be able to testify for God and spread the gospel to their Muslim fellow countrymen upon returning home. Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims (well over 200 million) in the world. Having temporarily left Indonesia, these maids are subject to less religious pressure from their extended families and society and have greater freedom to receive the gospel. Wouldn’t that be a God-given opportunity?

More than 150,000 Indonesian maids are now in Hong Kong. I strongly believe that if Christian employers effectively testify for Christ in words and deeds, the evangelistic efforts will be more fruitful than sending missionaries to Indonesia!