
二○二一年五月八/九日                                                                                                                      Click here for English



復活節假期間,我有機會看了《鬼滅之刃——無限列車篇》這齣電影。主角炭治郎在一個貧窮但充滿愛的家庭成長,為了要拯救被魔鬼傷害的妹妹,面對魔鬼種種攻擊,仍然堅持以美善的力量戰勝邪惡,讓我深感觸動。今日的社會,從孩童階段開始已充滿競爭和比較,以良善待人,處處包容、忍讓,甚至「蝕底」,已經變成過時的美德。良善是聖靈所結的果子(加五 22),保羅常鼓勵信徒「……不管是誰都不要以惡報惡,卻要在彼此相處和對待眾人這方面,常常追求良善」(帖前五 15)。



美善的能力可以由家庭影響群體,當家庭與家庭之間更敏銳大家的需要,不吝嗇自己的力量,互相支持,就更能夠彼此滿足。正如杏林子女士所說「分擔的擔子是輕省、分享的快樂是加倍」。尤其今日面對社會不停的變化,家庭與家庭之間互相守望是非常重要的。無論是離港還是留港的家庭,都要更加開放,除了善待家人,更要善待眾人,讓美善的力量成為群體的見證。以弗所書五章 9 節提到「光明所結的果子,就是一切良善、公義、誠實」,良善與公義、誠實互相關連,活出良善是一種堅持,不怕「蝕底」,助人為樂,以善勝惡,那怕眾人都覺得等價交換才是公平。


Pastor's Sharing
The Power of Goodness

Rev Eva Lok

Over the Easter break, I watched the film Demon Slayer: Mugen Train. The protagonist in the story, Kimetsu no Yaiba, grew up in an underprivileged family, but it was filled with love. To rescue his sister from the devil’s harm, he braved the demons without fear, winning over evil with good. I am deeply touched. In today’s society, we grow up in an environment full of competitions and comparison. Virtues such as treating others with goodness, tolerance, forbearance – even to the point of being undermined – are considered outdated. Goodness is the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Time and again, Paul has also encouraged believers: "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else" (1 Thessalonians 5:15).

Where is goodness lost? The family is the primary place where goodness is nurtured. Children learn their characters from their parents’ examples. Families today are filled with helplessness. Parents work under great pressure amid the pandemic, and they have to cope with their children’s different modes of learning. When enthusiasm gradually diminishes in tension of all kinds, maintaining the family bonds is easier said than done.

Goodness is a way to treat others. It starts with feeling satisfied to caring for others. It means forbearance, patience and willingness to give. Goodness grows from a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of security when being loved. To cultivate goodness in the family, family members can care for and support one another, and learn to love. A smile, an embrace, a word of encouragement – they are all important. Goodness can resolve tension in our relationships while enabling members' needs to be understood and met. When parents and children feel secure as a result of being loved, they will have more power to love. In the face of the pandemic, families need a lot of adaptations. All the more, members need to treat each other with goodness, to care for one another, to understand each other, to accommodate to each other's needs, and together learn to go the extra mile for the sake of one another. Goodness will win over mutual blame and grievance.

The power of goodness can spread from the family to the community. When different families become more aware of each other's needs, readily love and give and support each other, they will be able to better fulfill one another’s needs. Writer Hsia Liu (杏林子) has aptly said, "A burden shared is a burden halved. A joy shared is a joy doubled." In the face of changes in our society, it is important that different families watch over one another. Whether in Hong Kong or overseas, families need to be more open. Family members need to treat one another nicely. They need to treat others with good and let the power of goodness shine in testimony to the community. It says in Ephesians 5:9: "… the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth." Goodness, righteousness and truth are inter-related. Living out goodness in life is a kind of perseverance. It is uncalculating, ready to help, and wins over evil with good, even when others consider fairness as equivalent exchange.

In such a time as this, let us bear the fruit of the light.