
二○二一年六月五日/六日                                                                                                                Click here for English




回首年少,曾懷著美好的夢想,為理想、為社會、為前途努力奮鬥,無奈面對的卻是莫測的世事、無法把控的明日。此刻生命彷彿進入了死胡同,非常乏力,挫敗感、無力感、無意義感洶湧而上,試問人生出路在哪裡?智慧者說過:人的腳步為耶和華所定,人豈能明白自己的路呢?(箴二十 24)是的,人的前路由耶和華所定,所以我們不必執著與虛空的定律角力,倒要學習接受自己不能改變的事情。人不能明白自己的路,就要倚靠耶和華來指引,學習放手,跟著主踏實地一步一步走上去。

人來到中年,本想坐享勞碌得來的成果、財富和家庭福樂,可是,患難卻接踵而來,頹唐下沉的心吶喊曙光在哪裡?智慧者的提醒是:順境逆境皆出於神,在順境時要快樂,遇逆境時要思想。(傳七 14)因為一切出於神,所以我們就當心存敬畏和感恩接受人生每一個境遇。得享勞碌的成果時要快樂,而逆境對我們的心也有益處,所以我們不必執意去與逆境角力,反要學習以忍耐去回應患難,這才是睿智的做法。

人老了,會問如何面對健康衰退、死亡迫近的日子?無奈、驚恐、哀怨、緊抓給自己安全感的東西?我記起一對年長夫婦的話:「我們立志做個快樂的老年人,這是神給我們今生最後的工作,當別人看見我們的快樂,就會歸榮耀給神!」多麼有使命的長者啊!智慧者也如此強調:「凡是你手可作的,都當盡力去作」(傳九 10,新譯本)。越是接近人生終點,越要把握機會做好神所交付的,走向身體雖然衰殘、靈魂卻更新光明的快樂旅程。

Pastor's Sharing
Joy and Fulfilment amid Vanity

Rev Phang

Two years ago, I was among 20 to 30 participants at a primary school reunion. Among our former classmates were those who are well-dressed and have grown rich, farmers attending in flip-flops, housewives who seldom leave home, dream pursuers who have travelled over half the globe, idealistic cultural workers as well as worn-out laborers. Everybody was in their fifties. And whether rich or poor, healthy or sick, single or surrounded by grandchildren, they all showed marks of experience on their faces. Our conversations at this stage were invariably about retirement, staying healthy and, guess what, memories of trivial matters that took place in class and games we played in the playground in primary school days. I thought to myself: How come that we have lived life as it is but now seems to have gotten back to where we began? I asked how they understood life after all these years. Their answers include: hardship, anxiety, drifting, uncertainty, sighs, helplessness and regrets! Wouldn’t that be the vanity as described in Ecclesiastes? Is that how we will spend our life?

When I was young, I have had my dreams. I was to strive for my dreams, my ideals, for society and the future. But what I met with then was unpredictable. I could not control my future. Life seemed to have come to a dead end, full of helplessness, frustration, frailty, and meaninglessness. Is there a way out? This is what the wise said, "A man's steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?" (Proverbs 20:24) Our future is in God's hands. Therefore, there is no need to wrestle with the fact of vanity. But we need to learn to accept what we cannot change. Man cannot understand his own way. He needs to rely on God, to let God lead and follow Him every step of the way.

Midlife should be time to enjoy the fruit of our labor including wealth and family pleasures. But then hardship comes one after another. The heart sinks, crying: Where is the light at the end of the tunnel? The preacher's message is this: God has made both good times and bad. When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, we need to consider (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Since everything comes from God, we need to accept what comes our way with fear and a thankful heart. When we get the fruit of our labor, be happy. Adversity is also good for our heart. So, there is no need to wrestle with adversity, but learn to patiently respond to adversity. That is wisdom.

As we grow old, how shall we face the degeneration of our health and the approach of our death? Shall we respond with helplessness, fear, grievances, or hold on to our last straw for a sense of security? I remember the words of an elderly couple, "We are determined to live a joyful senior's life. They consider this to be God's last task for them. When people see our joy, God is glorified!" What a senior couple with a great sense of mission! The preacher also emphasizes: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" (Ecclesiastes 9:10). The closer we get to the end of life's journey, the more we need to grasp the opportunity to do well what God has entrusted with us, walking on life's journey of joy with our weakening body and a brighter, renewed soul.