
二○二一年八月二十一日/二十二日                                                                                                       Click here for English



曾聽說:回顧是承傳歷史的方法。在剛結束不久的東京奧運會中,主辦國將 1964 年首次舉辦奧運時種植的樹木,製作成奧運五環標誌,以及建造成比賽場地的設施,並在開幕禮中展示出來。這舉動不但為運動員帶來憶述歷史的機會,也激勵他們跨越年代的視角,直面當前的挑戰,矢志爭取佳績,延展奪標的夢想。

保羅憶述自己一生的信仰時,表示自己是罪人中的罪魁。然而,神不僅給他憐憫、忍耐,更賦予他傳揚基督的職分(提前一 12-16)。我們是否也能和保羅一樣,在回想基督救贖恩典的時候,不會一味留在某段時刻或單一事件中?環觀今天境況,我們的信仰生活充滿挑戰,我們若未能與神相遇、不信在活人之地得見神的恩惠,就會落入喪膽、驚惶失措的困境中(詩二十七 13 )。回看晚年的保羅,藏在他心坎裡的信仰經歷與情懷,是一個誇勝的宣告:「那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,該信的道我已經守住了。」(提後四 7)

今天的新冠病毒疫情,為信仰生活帶來新常態。我們回到教會聚會時,要深自省察,我們對神敬拜的心是否仍能如以前一樣,沒有減弱?在投入團契小組的查經時,是否仍能樂於分享、為靈命的成長代禱?在所屬的使命小組裡,是否已重整未來的事奉計劃、信仰的實踐行動?請記住,我們回顧過去的信仰生活,不是要沉醉或懷緬昔日的片段及功績,而是要避免浪費神的恩典、白佔地土(路十三 7),在不知不覺中使信仰倒退,隨波逐流、隨流失去(來二 1)。

感謝神,我們欣然看到教會恢復實體崇拜、團組聚會已有四個多月的日子,願聖靈幫助我們留意神在自己心靈裡的作為——感動我們在崇拜中聆聽主道、頌禱唱詩,心被恩感歸榮耀給神(西三 16);也要用信心接受主的差遣,宣認我們是見證基督的群體,延展「以神的愛燃點生命,實踐施比受更為有福的生活」這信念。為此,在下週的福音主日中,我們不如再來與人分享「個人蒙恩得救」的故事,領人赴會、相信福音。

願北宣家弟兄姊妹再接再厲,不會單顧自己的事,而是彼此激發愛心、勉勵行善(腓二 4;來十 24)。願主使用我們成就祂的美意,叫我們知道怎樣為信仰的人生開展新的步伐,也為信仰的生命再度增添姿彩。

Pastor's Sharing
Reviewing and Taking Forward Our Spiritual Life

Rev Samuel Tam

It has been said that reviewing is how we can inherit the legacy from history. In the Tokyo Olympics which just ended, the organizers made the Olympic Rings out of wood from trees planted when Japan first hosted the Olympics in 1964. The wood was also made into stadium equipment and displayed at the Olympics opening. That not only allowed the athletes to recall the past but also inspired them to face the challenges in sight from the perspective through the decades, to strive for excellence and let the dream to attain the prize live on.

Reviewing his spiritual life, Paul called himself "the worst of sinners." Yet, God not only showed mercy and patience towards him but also gave him the ministry to preach Christ (1 Timothy 1:12-16). In remembering the redemptive grace of Christ, can we learn from Paul and not linger upon specific moments or individual events? Today, our faith is under great challenges. If we cannot encounter God or are not confident about seeing the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13), we will fall into the plight of fear and panic. Looking at Paul in his old age, the experience and sentiments at the center of his faith is a declaration of victory: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7).

With the recent pandemic comes a new normal for spiritual life. When we go to church, we need to reflect deeply on ourselves. Is our heart to worship God the same as before, unweakened? Are we still eager to share in fellowship or small group Bible studies and intercede for each other’s spiritual growth? In our dynamic groups, have we adjusted our plans for future ministries and actions for the practice of faith? Please remember this: In reviewing our spiritual lives, we are not to dwell on certain past events or success. Rather, pay attention not to waste God's grace, not to use up the soil (Luke 13:7), and not to backslide, go with the flow or drift away from faith unwittingly (Hebrews 2:1).

Thanks be to God, our church has resumed onsite worship services and meetings for more than four months. May the Holy Spirit help us to be aware of the attitude of our hearts – to listen to the word of God in worship service, to pray and sing to the glory of God with gratitude in our hearts (Colossians 3:16). May we, by faith, respond to God’s call to profess our faith as a community in testimony for Christ. May we continue to live out our belief to light up our lives with God's love and practice our conviction that "It is more blessed to give than to receive." For this, let us share with others our conversion story in receiving God's mercy and grace and bring others before Christ on Gospel Sunday next week.

Let us keep it up, brothers and sisters of the NPAC family. Let us not look to our own interests but spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Philippians 2:4; Hebrews 10:24). May God use us to fulfil His good will. May He guide us to take new strides on our journey of faith and make our spiritual life vibrant once again.