
二○二一年十月二十三日/二十四日                                                                                                     Click here for English



去年 7 月底……我和一名同工閒聊著:「新冠疫情下,教會只能進行網上聚會,我們可以怎樣外展接觸外面的鄰舍?」當下我們忽發奇想,不如舉辦網上兒童英語班吧!我立刻聯絡英語牧養科幾位肢體,邀請他們考慮參與。不消個多小時,已有 12 位姊妹答應投入家庭服務中心 8 月的「英語遊樂園」事奉,這 12 人來自不同年齡組別,包括兩名不太熟習中文的少年人。網上教學從來都不是易事,更何況對象是不曾見過面的小朋友。然而,儘管障礙重重,小朋友們卻十分享受今次的教學,而這 12 名事奉人員也親歷到上主的大能大力。

今年 6 月……一名同工回顧過去幾個月英語網上崇拜的點激率,說:「原來至今仍有很多人參與我們的網上聚會。」自從去年疫情爆發之初,我們已留意到,英語崇拜不論是直播或錄播,點激的數字都一直維持高企,顯然,有不少人「在外頭」跟我們一起敬拜。後來我知道這些人有的居於香港,有的身處外地;有些是基督徒,有些是慕道者或初信者。感謝神,透過現代科技,我們仍能繼續牧養,對於自己教會沒有現場聚會、甚或缺乏線上崇拜的人,這些牧養工作尤為重要。

今年 7 月中……早起,向來都是少年人的難題,可是有一群英語少年卻立志連續三朝「早」到教會,他們要參加教育樓的少年夏令日營,要不是現今出外旅行如此困難,他們根本就沒機會、甚至沒意欲前來參加。神興起了四名英語科青年團的年輕人,夥拍著少年團的導師,一同服事 25 名少年人,這些少年大都經歷著與神關係的掙扎,或是希望更多認識基督的信仰。服事教會外面的人固然重要,但是關心我們中間的肢體,也是刻不容緩的,尤其是我們的年輕一代。

今年夏季……英語群體已經連續兩年沒法出外短宣,但神卻給我們很重要的提醒:我們不一定要到外地才能體驗跨文化的宣教工作。7 月,我們組織了一次難民探訪活動,甚至廣東話群體的弟兄姊妹也前來一起參加;另外,8 月的時候,我們有兩名年輕人參加了教會的本地跨文化短宣活動。我們往往容易忘記神已經將人領到我們的門前——一些需要主耶穌救贖恩典的人。


Pastor's Sharing
Turning Constraints into Opportunities

Rev Stera Chan

Late July, 2020… I was talking with a co-worker about what we might do to reach out to our neighbors in the community when onsite meeting was no longer an option during the pandemic. Give thanks to God for the idea to teach English to children over the Internet. I immediately texted some members in the English Ministry about it and invited them to consider. Many positive replies were received in an hour or so. At the end, twelve sisters committed to this "English Garden" program of the Family Service Centre in August. They are from different age groups, including two teenagers who barely know Chinese. Teaching online is never easy, especially with young children whom they had not met before. In spite of various limitations, the children enjoyed the learning, and this group of twelve experienced God's enabling power.

One day in June, 2021… "There are still many people joining us online." This was the comment by my co-worker in the English Ministry after reviewing the view numbers of the broadcast of the English worship service for a few months. Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, we already noticed the consistently high view numbers of the recording and live broadcast of the English worship service. Apparently, there have been people 'out there' joining us online. I know later that some are in Hong Kong and some from overseas; some are Christians and some are seekers or young believers. Give thanks to God that through technology, we can minister to, in particular, people who live in places where onsite meetings and even online worship services are not available.

Mid-July, 2021… Getting up early is a challenge for many teenagers. But a group of English-speaking teenagers decided to come to church 'early' in the morning for three consecutive days. They were here for our Youth Summer Day Camp in the Education Centre. Many of them would not have the chance or the desire to come if it was not because traveling abroad was difficult. Give thanks that God has raised up four young members from our Peacemakers Fellowship to serve alongside Gatekeepers' counselors, reaching out to these 25 teenagers among which many are struggling in their relationships with God or seeking to know more about the Christian faith. While it is important to serve the people outside of church, there is also an urgent need to reach out to those among us, especially the young generations in our midst.

Summer, 2021… For two consecutive years, the English Ministry was not able to have overseas mission trips. Give thanks to God for His important reminder that it is not necessary to go abroad for cross-cultural mission. We organized a refugee walk in July and was joined by brothers and sisters from the Chinese side. Two young people also joined the church's local cross-cultural mission trip in August. Indeed, we often forget that God has already brought people to our doors – those who also need the saving grace of our Lord Jesus.

There are boundless opportunities, even in trying or limiting circumstances, for the church to reach out to others with the gospel message. May the Holy Spirit help us see beyond the seemingly difficult situations to discover and do the good works God has already prepared for us in advance.