
二○二一年十一月六日/七日                                                                                                                 Click here for English



領受職事的人要有怎樣的特點和成長目標?滕近輝牧師透過哥林多後書三章提出六個要點: 1

1. 生命的事奉(三 3):事奉者要以生命影響及型塑別人的生命。自己要敏於對付己罪、愛主、勤力靈修、願意捨己、效法基督。事奉者有沒有生命的事奉,不是從表面的「業績」來衡量,而是以人生命的「質量」來評定。我們要自問,一路以來的服事有否助人生命長進?

2.信心的事奉(三 4):要操練信心。我們常會以自身的欠缺來推卻事奉的邀請。人固然要對自己看得合乎中道,不過也要緊記沒有一項服事是不需憑著信心去作的。事奉必會遭遇試煉和困難,但只要倚靠主,仰望主供應,不灰心、不喪膽,就能磨練出堅強的品格。

3.精意的事奉(三 6):每樣服事都應顯露所信的真道。每位事奉者(不限於教導、查經的崗位)都必須在神的話語上下工夫。當你在神的話語上認真,你就會經歷到聖靈將「使人活」的真理指教你,並助你向人傳講神的話語。

4.永恆性的事奉(三 11):不是說事奉崗位不能轉換,這裡是指事奉的人要以「永恆性的眼光」看自己的事奉。我們要防備世上短暫、表面、浮誇成就的追求,卻要以長存不朽的金銀寶石材料建造能存留到永遠的屬靈工程。

5.稱義的事奉(三 9):任何事奉都不能成為不用去關心人得救的藉口。我們固然要做好所負責的事務,但作工的同時,內心須常保持愛人靈魂的心,以致不會忽略有恆久價值的、使人與神和好的「救靈」職事。

6.活潑創新的事奉(三 17):事奉既要活潑又要有創造性。每位事奉者都需學習追求聖靈的工作、能力,留心聖靈的引導,從而使我們的服事創新、活潑,不落入冰冷、死板、僵硬、表面的枷鎖中。


1 滕近輝:《一份禮物——給事奉的人》(香港:中神,1990),頁138-39。

Pastor's Sharing
Those Who Receive the Ministry to Serve

Rev Arnold Chow

What should be the characteristics and goals for growth for those who receive the ministry to serve? Rev Philip Teng has brought up six points from 2 Corinthians 3 with which I and those in God's service can exhort each other:

1. Ministry of Life (3:3) – Those who receive the ministry to serve need to impact and mold others' life with their own. They must be vigilant against their own sin, love God, diligent in devotionals, be willing to sacrifice oneself and imitate Christ. We do not measure whether one who serves has a ministry of life from external "performance" but rather we can evaluate that by the "quality" of life. We need to ask ourselves: Has our ministry all along helped others to grow in life?

2. Ministry of Faith (3:4) – We need training on faith. Many who consider serving would decline ministry invitations due to their personal deficiencies. While we need to think of ourselves with sober judgment, without self-debasement or arrogance, we must also remember that no ministry can be done unless it is done by faith. There will be trials and difficulties in serving but as long as we rely on God, look to Him for provision, and do not get disheartened or discouraged, we will be able to build up a strong character.

3. Ministry of the Word (3:6) – Every ministry should display the word of God in which we believe. Everyone who serves (not only in teaching and leading Bible study) must work on the word of God. If you do it seriously, you will experience the Spirit's teaching of the truth that "gives life" as well as His help for you to preach the word of God.

4. Ministry of Eternal Value (3:11) – What it says here is not that those who serve cannot change their serving roles but that we need to take an eternal perspective on our ministry. We need to guard against seeking transitory, superficial or grandiose successes in the world. Instead, as said in the metaphor, seek enduring spiritual works with eternal value built of precious materials that will never rot away.

5. Ministry of Justification (3:9) – No ministry should become an excuse for not caring about others' salvation. While we should diligently do the tasks we are responsible for, we must keep loving souls in our hearts so that we won't neglect the "soul-saving" ministry of reconciling people to God, which is of permanent value.

6. Ministry of Vibrant Creativity (3:17) – Ministry should be vibrant and innovative. Everyone who serves should learn to seek the Spirit’s work and power, and be sensitive to His guidance. That way, our ministry will be creative and vibrant, and prevented from falling into the custody of chilly dullness, routines, stagnancy and superficiality.

In two weeks’ time, there will be the election of the next deacons board. May I exhort all the candidates with the above. This year in the NPAC family, we have added online voting. Members in Hong Kong who are not able to come back to church to vote can have their identity verified online, check out the information about the candidates using the online platform and then cast their vote. Please pray for the deacons board election and actively participate in voting either online or onsite.

1 Rev. Philip Teng, To Those in God's Service – A Present (Hong Kong: CGST, 1990) 138-39.