
二○二一年十二月十八日/十九日                                                                                                         Click here for English



Philippe de Champaigne 的《聖約瑟的夢》 1 是收藏在英國國家畫廊的油畫,其中刻畫了約瑟正為一個未曾作過的決定而困擾不安,他因心力交瘁而睡著了。約瑟是個謹守律法的義人,面對將要迎娶卻突然懷孕的未婚妻馬利亞,他可有三個選擇:1. 遵照貞潔條例(申二十二 13-30),要求馬利亞提供貞潔憑據,或以姦淫的罪名用石頭打死她。2. 公開羞辱她,在重視榮譽與恥辱(shame and honor)的社會中為自己挽回面子。3. 暗暗解除婚約,以保護馬利亞的性命和名節。最後他選擇了第三個決定,可見約瑟的義,是他在律法、傳統和文化要求以外,有一顆愛護馬利亞的心,寧願忍受羞辱和損失,也不讓她受辱和受傷害。

畫的上方出現了一名極大比例的報夢天使,以代表上帝偉大的神聖介入(divine intervention):有神的使者在約瑟夢中顯現,說:「大衛的子孫約瑟,不要怕!只管娶過你的妻子馬利亞來,因她所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。她將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。」(太一 20-21)神親自賜下祂的安慰、應許和奇妙計劃,約瑟就憑信心迎娶了馬利亞。此後,主的使者又三次在夢中指示約瑟,分別叫他帶同馬利亞和小孩耶穌逃避希律的追殺,住在埃及,又回到以色列地及住在加利利的拿撒勒城。聖經描述約瑟每一次都很順服:天使怎麼說,他就怎麼做。

1. 在充滿可怕張力的現實中,神會讓人有思考和掙扎的空間。祂會藉聖言和聖靈的介入來顯明祂的旨意。你有否預留一個神聖空間讓神介入,並有順服的行動:祂怎麼說,我就怎麼做?
2. 在看似違反常理的信心考驗中,洞悉人意念的神會先賜下安慰:「不要怕!」讓人經歷耶穌名字「以馬內利」(神與我們同在)的屬天平安!
3. 作一個來自神吩咐的決定,有時會叫人驚懼不安,但祂卻會同步賜下實在的應許,讓人心生盼望!

耶穌的誕生也是父神未曾作過的極可畏決定,為的是要成就拯救世人的計劃!聖誕節不單是記念主降生的日子,更是迎接主再來的預備。願北宣人在新領域中,常存敬畏戰兢的心(fear and trembling),活出救恩(腓二 12),恭候主臨!

Pastor's Sharing
A Decision Never Taken Before

Rev Yina Chow

The painting "The Dream of Saint Joseph" 1 at Britain's National Gallery depicts Joseph being troubled by a decision he has never attempted before. Exhausted, he falls asleep. Joseph was a righteous man who abided by the law. In the face of Mary whom he was engaged to marry but who suddenly conceived a baby, he had three options: 1) as per marriage violation law (Deuteronomy 22:13-30), ask Mary to produce proof of virginity, or else stone her to death for adultery, 2) insult her in public to save face for himself in a society of shame and honor, 3) break the engagement in private to protect Mary's life and honor. In the end, he chose the third option. Joseph's righteousness was evident. But above all his law, tradition and culture, he had a loving heart for Mary and was prepared to endure humiliation and loss, not letting her be humiliated or hurt.

Prominently in the upper part of the painting is an angel who appears to Joseph in a dream. This represents God's divine intervention: The angel of the Lord said: "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:20-21) God bestowed comfort, a promise along with a wondrous plan. By faith, Joseph married Mary. After that, the angel of the Lord appeared three more times in dreams, asking Joseph to flee from King Herod with Mary and the baby Jesus. They were to go to Egypt, then come back to Israel and live in the City of Nazareth in Galilee. In the Biblical account, Joseph had all along been very obedient. Whatever the angel of the Lord said, he did.

Are you about to make unprecedented decisions about your calling, ministry, work and family? What spiritual inspiration can we get from the four divine interventions in dreams and the life-and-death choice of Joseph?

1. In the reality full of horrifying tension, God will give people room for thought and struggles. By His intervention through His word and the Holy Spirit, God will reveal His will. Have you prepared sacred room in your heart for divine intervention and be prepared to act in obedience: Do whatever the Lord asks you to do?

2. In what appears to be an extraordinary test of faith, God who knows what we think will first comfort us: "Do not be afraid!" This gives us an experience of the name of Jesus, Immanuel (God with us), which is divine peace!
3. Making a decision based on God’s instruction may at times be scary and discomforting. Nevertheless, God will simultaneously bestow a concrete promise to give us hope!

The birth of Jesus is itself a formidable decision that God has not taken before. The purpose was to accomplish the salvation of man! Christmas does not only commemorate the birth of the Lord. It is also to prepare for His second coming. In new horizons, may the NPAC family always remain in fear and trembling, and live out His saving grace (Philippians 2:12) to await the Lord's coming!

The Dream of Saint Joseph by Philippe de Champaigne: