
2022 年 1 月 1 日/2 日                                                                                                         Click here for English



當你感到低落的時候,你會做些甚麼來舒緩自己的情緒呢?有沒有想過靈修除了能幫助我們親近主、與主建立關係,也能幫助我們平復心情、更新生命、重新得力呢?(賽四十 29-31)

神會在我們情緒低落時,召喚我們就近光,因為耶穌是世界的光(約八 12)。有一段時間,我因著生命中的幽暗,感到很害怕,恐懼把我推進黑暗之中,使我渾身無力……感謝主,祂幫助我以最真實的自己去到祂跟前,告訴祂我的實況。主讓我讀到羅馬書八 15:「你們所受的,不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的,乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:『阿爸!父!』」神的話提醒我:「不要害怕,你不是奴僕,你是我的女兒,我是你的阿爸父,我接納你整個人,包括你這幽暗的部分。」天父不單接納我,還轉化我,使我體貼聖靈的事,不隨從肉體(羅七 14~八 14)。 1 神的話使我重新得力,祂給我這新力量,是要邀請我切實的悔改和更新,活出基督的樣式。靈修生活的關鍵標記,不是我們做了甚麼、知道了甚麼,而是我們成為了甚麼,求主幫助我們成為隨從和體貼神心意的人。 2 在多次的靈修中,我回到接納我的主跟前,承認自己的罪,求主轉化我狹隘的思想和偏差的行為⋯⋯之後,心靈就得著安穩。

祈盼神以祂的話滋潤你我的心靈,以真理的光引導我們成為隨從和體貼神心意的人。我鼓勵你每天抽出大約20分鐘來到主的面前,以下是靈修的建議方法: 3 1.預備心靈:深呼吸,讓整個人安頓下來,聽或唱一首詩歌;2.讀經:慢慢閱讀經文三遍;.默想:留意哪一個字/詞吸引你,並重複細味;4.明辨:留意經文,讓你想到天父有甚麼恩典,也想到自己有甚麼不足之處;5.回應:按著經文為自己禱告(獻上讚美和感恩,為自己的罪向主求赦,求主賜下悔改的恩典);6.靈修札記:重點寫下這次靈修的領受;7.背誦:背記一至兩節經文。


Pastor's Sharing
Quiet Time: Communing with God with the Authentic Me

Rev Jenny Ching

What do you do when you feel down to soothe your emotions? Have you ever thought that quiet time can calm us down, renew our lives and bring new strength in addition to helping us get close to God and build our relationship with Him? (Isaiah 40:29-31)

When we feel down, God will call us to approach the light, for Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). There was a time when the gloomy things in life made me scared. Fear drove me into the darkness and I felt utterly out of strength… Thank God that He helped me come to Him with the most authentic me and I told Him my real condition. God let me read Romans 8:15, "The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The word of God reminded me: "Do not fear. You are not a slave. You are my daughter. I am your Abba Father. I accept your entirety, including this gloomy part of yours." The Heavenly Father not only accepted me but also transformed me so that I no longer live according to the flesh but in accordance with the Spirit (Romans 7:14-8:14). 1 The word of God renewed my strength. He gave me new strength and invited me to earnestly repent and be renewed, to live out Christ in my life. The essence of quiet time is not what we have done or what we know, but what we have become. May God help us to become people who would follow Him and who are after His heart. 2 Very often during devotionals, I come before God who accepts me, confess my sins, and ask the Lord to change my narrow-mindedness and misconduct… Then, my soul is calmed.

May God nourish our souls with His word. And with the light of His truth, may He guide us to follow Him and live a life after His heart. I encourage you to set apart about 20 minutes each day to come before God. Here is a suggestion on how to do your devotional: 3 1. Prepare the heart: Take deep breaths to calm the whole person down. Listen to or sing a worship song. 2. Read the Scripture: Slowly read a Bible passage three times. 3. Meditate: Look out for any word or phrase that catches your attention. Stay with it and savor it. 4. Discern: Pay attention to the Scripture and see what grace of God it makes you think of, and what deficiency on your part it brings up. 5. Respond: Pray for yourself in the light of the passage (Praise and give thanks, ask the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and the grace to repent). 6. Write devotional journal: Write down the main points of what you have learned from this quiet time. 7. Recite: Try to memorize one to two verses.

May we all commune with God with our authentic self. May we, through quiet time every day, have our strength renewed, our lives transformed by the Spirit, and be determined to repent so we will be guided by God in all aspects of our lives.

1 參蔣賴玉芳:〈反思「靈修」的本質內涵〉,《中宣通訊》,第162 期(2015 年9-10 月):3。
Lai, Sandy. "Rethinking the nature and content of 'Spirituality'." CMS News, Chinese Mission Seminary, Sept-Oct 2015, p.3

2 同上:4。
Lai, p.4

3 潘怡蓉:《靈程同行者》(香港:證主,2020),頁 47-48。
Pan, Yijung. Spiritual Companionship on Life Journey. Hong Kong, Christian Communications Ltd., 2020, pp.47-48.