
2022 年 1 月 15 日/16 日                                                                                                                     Click here for English



我們常會在歲首之際回顧生活,前瞻發展的機會,然而日前一項民研調查顯示,有 18% 受訪者表示沒有新年的願望,這數字比去年增加了 8%,創 1992 年以來同類調查的新高,這或許顯示了人們正落在悲觀歎息、乏力前行的境況中。你是否也有同樣的觀察,看到人們很需要主?今天是福音廣傳主日,目的是要鼓勵大家將基督的福音傳開。保羅的生命讓我們看到,教會有傳揚基督福音的責任,要定志「完成我從主耶穌所領受的職分,向人鄭重見證神恩惠的福音」(徒二十 24,新漢語譯本)。

昔日主耶穌曾向尼哥德慕說:「我們所說的是我們知道的,我們所見證的是我們見過的」(約三 11)。從這角度看,我們只要將自己與神相遇的信仰經歷分享出來,就是一項傳福音的行動了。福音是神的大能,要救每一個相信的人,而我們更能以信為始,以信為終(羅一 16-17),因為我們所知道及見過的福音,不但能鼓勵別人信靠神,也能勉勵自己繼續跟隨主。故此,傳福音實在是一件既奇妙又有意義的事。那麼,我們該怎樣實踐傳福音的使命,讓神的恩惠臨到眾人呢?

新冠疫情的陰霾至今仍未消散,讓人感到乏力、憂慮、無助之事,更是數不勝數,因此我們更加應當信靠神的應許,以禱告的心前行。聖經勉勵我們,每當缺乏智慧的時候,就應該向賜恩給眾人、又不責備人的神祈求,要知道眾光之父,已將「各樣美好的恩賜和各樣完美的賞賜」給了我們,祂並沒有改變,也沒有轉動的影子(雅一 5、17)。所以我們當倚靠神的信實,安穩地在祂的裡面「生活、活動、存在」(徒十七 28),讓祂的恩惠,成為前行的動力。


Pastor's Sharing
Spreading the Gospel of God’s Grace

Rev Samuel Tam

At the beginning of the year, it is customary for people to review life and look forward to upcoming development opportunities. However, a recent survey reveals that 18% of the respondents do not have new year resolutions. This represents an 8% increase compared to last year, and a new high among similar surveys since 1992. This may indicate people’s pessimism and weariness in a situation where they feel powerless to move forward. Do you share this observation that people desperately need the Lord? Today is Evangelism Sunday. The purpose is to encourage everyone to spread the gospel of Christ. The life of Paul allows us to see that the church is entrusted with the responsibility to spread the gospel of Christ. We need to be determined to “complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24).

The Lord Jesus has said to Nicodemus before: “Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen” (John 3:11). From this perspective, sharing the experience of our encounter with God is already an act of spreading the gospel. The gospel is not only the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. We can also hold on to faith from the beginning to the end (Romans 1:16-17). It is because what we know and what we have seen about the gospel not only encourages others to trust in God but can also encourage ourselves to continue to follow the Lord. As such, preaching the gospel is both wondrous and meaningful. That said, how should we practice our evangelistic mission to bring the grace of God to people?

Today, the pandemic is still raging and things that make people feel tired, worried and helpless are countless. We therefore all the more need to trust in the promises of God and move forward prayerfully. The Bible has exhorted us that whenever we lack wisdom, we should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. The Father of Heavenly lights has given us “every good and perfect gift.” He does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:5, 17). Therefore, we should rely on the faithfulness of God, “live and move and have our being” safely in Him (Acts 17:28) and let His grace be our power to move forward.

Dear brothers and sisters, in life, we cannot just “hear of God” but we must also “see God.” For this reason, we need to review the new normal in the pandemic to see what problems are hindering us from receiving the grace of God. May God remold our spiritual life so we know how to connect with God and with man, and practice godliness and unwavering trust in God. The Chinese New Year is approaching. We would wish family and friends good health. But do we have any wishes for their soul? What can we do for them? In addition to giving out the Fai Chun and tracts in the church’s gospel packs, I encourage you to pray for “what you should say.” May the Lord give us wisdom and opportunities and help us recount and testify to God’s grace in our lives as evidence that the gospel of Christ is real.