
2022 年 1 月 22 日/23 日                                                                                                                     Click here for English



1 月初的一個早上,沒有「寒冷天氣警告」,但我卻因著自己比年輕時更怕冷的事實而顧影自憐。後來,我在路上遇見一位年紀比我大、穿得比我多的同工,他走過了,卻回過頭來,特意跟我說:「我今天覺得很冷,你怎麼可以只穿著這件單薄的外套?」這極簡單的對話,卻使我體會到「我在這裡看見那看見我的神」。

《我在這裡看見那看見我的神》是北宣家2022年的查經資料,內容所環繞的,是基督教信仰的基本教義。書名取自創世記十六 13:「於是夏甲把對她說話的上主稱為『你是看見我的神』,因為她說:『甚至在這裡,我都能看見那背後看見我的啊!』」(五經 ‧ 新漢語譯本)毋庸置疑,神確是那位時常看見我們的神,儘管我們可能只是間斷地、零碎地看見祂看見自己。

為幫助弟兄姊妹在各個基本信仰課題上有所發現,查經資源作如下的鋪排:「引言」(教義發展與經文背景);「讀經」(閱讀觀察與融會貫通);「詮釋」(思索問題與尋找答案);「討論」(應用討論與生命回應);「實踐」(認識上主與禱告實踐);以及「參考」(信仰沉澱與延伸閱讀 1)。其中「實踐」部分尤其重要,因為我們在人生路上走過了之後,惟有回過頭來,才會發現上主是如何地好,才會有生命回應的動力。


保羅曾給以弗所教會長老叮囑說:「現在我把你們託付給神和他恩惠的道;這道能建立你們,能在所有成聖的人中間賜給你們基業。」(徒二十 32,新漢語)那麼,我們也該在前路不明的日子中,把神恩惠的道呈現在弟兄姊妹面前,並把他們交託給神。

1. 參考書包括:楊牧谷牧師的《當代神學辭典》、《基本信仰與超凡生命》,以及楊慶球牧師的《會遇系統神學》、《宣道會屬靈傳統》等。

Pastor's Sharing
I Have Now Seen the One Who Sees Me

Rev Aaron Chan

One morning in early January, there was no "cold weather warning" but I felt sorry for myself that I was more sensitive to low temperatures than I used to. Later on the way, I met an older and more bundled-up coworker. He passed by and then looked back, saying: "I feel so cold today. How can you just wear this thin jacket?" This simple conversation let me experience "I have now seen the One who sees me.”

"I Have Now Seen the One Who Sees me" is the title of the NPAC family's 2022 Bible study material, which focuses on the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. The title comes from Genesis 16:13: “She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: 'You are the God who sees me,' for she said, 'I have now seen the One who sees me.'" No doubt, God is the One who always sees us. This is despite the fact that we may only be occasionally, incompletely aware of His seeing us.

To help brothers and sisters make discoveries on the fundamental topics of faith, the Bible study material is organized this way: "Introduction" (doctrinal development and background of the passage); "Reading" (observations and comprehension); "Interpretation" (discovery questions and answers; "Discussion" (application and response in life); "Practice" (knowing the Lord and prayers); and "Reference" (crystallization and further readings). Among the sections, "Practice" is particularly important. It is because it is only when we look back on life's journey can we discover how good the Lord is and have the motivation to respond in life.

For Bible study leaders, you probably are not obliged to answer theological questions on the hypostatic union of Christ, how God is the Trinity and the like. We will leave these questions for brothers and sisters to explore on their own. The focus of our Bible studies should be this: Since the true God is unique and He loves us to the end, how should we respond to Him? As Jesus Christ the true God suffered for us and was crucified in human form, how should we have the same mindset as Him and imitate Him in obedience to God and in caring for others? The enduring guidance, presence and in-dwelling of the trinitarian God will be for those who love God. How would this help us in overcoming the stormy waves ahead?

Paul has exhorted the elders of Ephesus: "Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified" (Acts 20:32). Therefore, In the face of an uncertain future today, we should set before brothers and sisters the word of God’s grace and entrust them to God.