
2022 年 2 月 19 日/20 日                                                                                                                     Click here for English



嚴峻的疫情將我們捲進了風雨飄搖的年日中,世上任何人的生活節奏和人生軌跡都不像預期地改變,面對無法預計的將來,似乎成了我們最真實的共同經驗。然而,基督教信仰卻為信徒打開了另一個比世上一切更真實的生命出口。「你們要靠主常常喜樂」(腓四 4)正是使徒保羅給信徒的勉勵,叫我們要憑著信心跨越現實的艱難,得著上帝所應許的恩典——平安喜樂。

我去年底開始參與恩樂堂的服事,感恩可以從中認識到社會裡的邊緣群體,這些人的生活雖然捉襟見肘,但內心卻滿有從上而來的喜樂。多年來教會向貧困家庭定期派發糧食,雖是杯水車薪,但卻也減輕了他們的重擔。然而疫情不斷惡化,教會需要暫時關閉兩週,崇拜和聚會尚可轉為線上進行,但糧食的分派卻遇上迫在眉睫的挑戰。於是同工作出應變,在限制生效前花了一整天的時間,向 80 多個家庭派發了兩週所需的糧食。糧食派發過後,我們便商議日後的安排,以超市現金券或食店餐券替代實體的糧食分派,似乎是惟一的選擇,但教會又怎能在短時間內取得這些額外資源呢?假若兩星期後教會仍未能開放,又如何幫助需要糧食的家庭呢?躊躕之際,心中浮起一節經文:「我的恩典夠你用的」,可是困難就擺在眼前,我們又怎能體會主的恩典夠用?當晚,我向上帝祈禱,只求一件事:願主的話成為教會的經歷。


「『我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。』所以,我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我」(林後十二 9)。


Pastor's Sharing
When the World Does Not Turn Out to Be What You Have Expected

Rev Vincent Mak

The severe pandemic has drawn us into a turbulent time of uncertainties. The rhythm and trajectory of life for everyone in the world has changed beyond expectation. That the future is unpredictable seems to be our most real common experience. Nevertheless, our Christian faith offers believers an alternative way out of the reality of life of this world. "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4a) is what the Apostle Paul exhorted believers. We can overcome the hardships in real life by faith and receive grace promised by God – peace and joy.

I started joining the ministry at Grace & Joy Church at the end of last year. I am grateful that I came to know about the marginalized community in our society. These people are in poverty, but their hearts are filled with joy from above. For many years, the church has, on a regular basis, handed out food to families in need. It was not much but it does alleviate their heavy burdens. However, with the worsening of the pandemic, the church has to be closed for two weeks. While worship and meetings could go online, food distribution presented an acute challenge. Coworkers therefore made contingency arrangements. One day before the lockdown came into effect, we spent the whole day distributing two weeks’ food supply to more than 80 families. After that, we discussed what to do next. It would appear that the only feasible option would be to hand out supermarket or eatery coupons. But where do we get the extra resources within such a short period of time? If the church still cannot open after two weeks, how can we help the families in need of food? As I hesitated, a Bible verse came to my heart: "My grace is sufficient for you." But it was a real problem before our eyes. How could we experience that His grace is sufficient? That evening, I prayed to God for only one thing: May the Lord’s word become the experience of the church.

Two days later, we received the unexpected news that some sponsors of Grace & Joy Church have taken the initiative to tell us that they were willing to invite donations of supermarket cash coupons for grassroot families’ use. They were also moved by the Holy Spirit to buy eatery coupons. What these sponsors saw was not only the hardship surrounding these grassroot families, but they also saw the needs that God saw. They cared for whom and what God cared for. "My grace is sufficient for you" is no doubt a declaration of faith. It affirms the fact that God’s grace is enough for us. And this fact is more real than any hardship.

'"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me' (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The times that do not go according to our expectations appear unending. It may make us disappointed or frustrated. Nevertheless, they will end. The exhortation of Paul lets us understand that we need to humble ourselves and recognize that God has been with us all along. We also need to expect God's grace by faith and cherish the hope He promised so that in the end, we will be able to see how God has watched over us and blessed us!