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2022 年 3 月 5 日/6 日                                                                                                                     Click here for English






被架上海盜船的經歷,是否你遭受多方夾擊的寫照呢?海盜船玩上五分鐘還算刺激,連玩幾次已是瘋狂,連續幾日的話就很要命。路加寫下當時絕望的心情:「最後,我們放棄了任何獲救的盼望」(20 節,新漢語)。

風暴不停,無處可逃,是船上所有人眼見的現實。當人跌入無法抵擋的不測風雲中,一切可靠賴的都會失掉,只能無助地漂流。被困風浪中超過 14 天(再想想海盜船)、眾人都感絕望之時,保羅是否信心滿滿呢?若是,神的使者還用對他說「保羅,不要怕」嗎?

屬靈偉人持續身處風浪中,還是會害怕的。但神卻讓保羅看見風雲之上,有另一個現實。扭轉害怕為安然的秘訣,就是認信(23-25 節):






Pastor's Sharing
Unexpected storms

By Rev Arnold Chow

Records about unexpected storms hitting the people of God allow us to see that believers are not exempt from calamity. Even spiritual giants like Paul and Luke were faced with disasters. One of these incidents, a sea mishap, is recorded in Acts 27 during which they experienced a total of five misses and losses. In the end, they could only leave the ship to the mercy of the wind and waves.

Paul was sent to Rome under the escort of a centurion. They first sailed from Sidon to Myra as that sea route was supposed to be faster. However, they missed a head start as they were against the wind. At Myra, they changed to a bigger Alexandrian ship which was supposed to be stabler at sea but again, due to strong winds, the ship lost its edge. After many hardships, they arrive at the midway port of Fair Havens. Paul warned the centurion to stay there for the winter but the centurion wanted to go to a more comfortable port. He lost vigilance in his judgment and only followed the pilot’s and others’ advice and sailed on. Before long, they were met with a wind of hurricane force and the ship went out of control. In an attempt to save themselves, they threw all the cargo and equipment overboard. While in the storm lasting for days, neither sun nor stars appeared and so they could not orient themselves. The ship completely lost direction and drifted on.

I used to travel a lot by ferry to branch churches in outlying islands. Once, there came high winds and the ferry was tossed up and down. It was very much like a “pirate ship ride” at a theme park. Before reaching the shore, I could do nothing but wait.

Would the experience of being confined to a pirate ship ride reflect your getting attacks from all sides? Five minutes on a pirate ship is exciting. Several rides in a row would be crazy. A ride for several days on end – it must be life-threatening. Luke wrote down their desperation at that moment: “We finally gave up all hope of being saved” (v.20). The raging storm and absence of a way out was the reality before their eyes. Indeed, when unexpected storms come and all that man can rely on is gone, one can only helplessly drift on. Trapped in the wind and waves for 14 days (think of the pirate ship ride) and with everybody in despair, was Paul still full of faith? If he was, why did the angel of God have to say to him, “Do not be afraid, Paul”?

It is true that spiritual giants too are scared when they are in the storm continually. But God let Paul see another reality above the wind and waves. The key to turning fear into peace is to make the following confession (vv. 23-25):

1. I belong to God
2. I serve God
3. I have faith in God

Three years into the pandemic and new cases are even growing rampantly. When can we see the end of the tunnel? Amid the unexpected storm, I pray for God to awaken our souls, that we know that however massive the darkness is, the bigger, more important reality will not be swept away. The wind and waves cannot separate us from God who is in control of everything. A few lines of lyrics come to my heart:

Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me,
Not for the years of time alone, But for eternity.
(“Now I Belong to Jesus”)

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word!
(“'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus”)

Let us cling to and closely follow our Lord. Let us entrust Him with our lives.