
2022 年 4 月 9 日/10 日                                                                                                                     Click here for English



今天是棕枝主日(Palm Sunday),或稱聖枝主日、棕樹主日、基督苦難主日。歷史上的今天,耶穌騎驢進入耶路撒冷城,從今天起的隨後一週,教會歷史上稱為「受難週」(Passion Week)。

撒迦利亞書九 9 說:「錫安的民哪,應當大大喜樂;耶路撒冷的民哪,應當歡呼。看哪,你的王來到你這裡!他是公義的,並且施行拯救,謙謙和和地騎著驢,就是騎著驢的駒子。」對於身處異族統治下的以色列民,我們可以想像,先知的宣告帶來何等大的盼望!這預告,大約於500年後的逾越節前幾天,在耶穌身上應驗了。

約翰福音十二 12-13 記載,有許多上來過節的人聽見耶穌將到耶路撒冷,就拿著棕樹枝出去迎接祂。在此之前 100 多年,以色列有段短暫的中興時期,馬加比軍隊趕出敘利亞大軍之後,以色列民便用棕樹枝來慶祝勝利和佈置聖殿。傳統上,以色列民在慶祝住棚節、獻殿節之時,會唱頌詩篇一一八篇,當中 25 節「求你拯救」的希伯來文,就是「和散那」,男人和男孩唱到這一句的時候,便會手搖綁著蘆葦的棕樹枝。

馬太福音二十一 8-9 記載了耶穌騎驢進城時的盛況,有一大群人把自己的衣服鋪在路上,也有人把樹枝砍下來,鋪在路上。前呼後擁的群眾喊叫著:「和散那歸於大衛的子孫!奉主名來的是應當稱頌的!高高在上和散那!」群眾夾道歡迎這位曾行神蹟奇事、醫病趕鬼、叫死人復活的拿撒勒先知耶穌,他們切切期待祂可以復興以色列!但耶穌所騎的是驢駒,不是戰馬。成了肉身的耶穌來到自己創造的世界,祂騎的幼驢所表達著的謙卑、溫柔,迥異於群眾期待的政治軍事強權、英雄,也衝擊了宗教領袖們的利益。因此,在榮耀時刻過後,等在耶穌面前的,是出賣、羞辱、鞭打和十字架的酷刑。


Pastor's Sharing
The Meaning of Palm Sunday

Rev Libby Wang

Today is Palm Sunday, also known as Branch Sunday, Willow Sunday or Passion Sunday. Today in history, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The week starting today is called “Passion Week” in the history of the church.

Zechariah 9:9 says, "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." To the Israelites under foreign rule, we could imagine how great a hope the prophet’s proclamation would bring! The prophecy came true before a Passover some 500 years later, in the person of Jesus.

According to John 12:12-13, the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him. More than 100 years earlier, Israel had seen a comeback in power when the Maccabees drove away the Syrian army. At that time, the Israelites used palm branches to celebrate their victory and decorate the temple. Traditionally, the Israelites would sing Psalm 118 during the Festival of Tabernacles and Feast of Dedication. Verse 25 of that psalm, "Lord, save us," is "hosanna" in Hebrew. Israeli men and boys would wave palm branches tied with reeds when they sing this verse.

Matthew 21:8-9 chronicled the fervor when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” The crowd cheered as they welcomed Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth, who performed miracles, healed the sick, drove away demons and brought the dead back to life. They very much hoped that Jesus would revive Israel! But Jesus rode a donkey, not a war horse. Jesus took on flesh and came to the world He created. The colt he rode signifies humility and gentleness, unlike the military strongman or hero the crowd had awaited. Jesus also posed a challenge to the religious leaders' vested interests. Therefore, after the moment of glory, Jesus was faced with betrayal, humiliation, whipping and crucifixion.

We used to be among the crowd, welcoming Jesus with selfish desires and our own expectations. We used to be no different from the religious leaders who looked but could not see His work, listened but did not hear His word. We were also like His disciples who had followed Him a long time but who still did not understand, had fallen asleep and had little faith. Nevertheless, because Jesus had come in flesh and because of what He had accomplished on the cross, we can lift up our heads and joyfully give Him the glory the King deserves! May the Holy Spirit help us to live our lives in obedience to His word and in accordance with His will as we await His Second Coming! I am convinced that the God of peace Himself will sanctify us through and through and keep our spirit, soul and body!