「我只想家宅平安」—— 618長者佈道會

2022 年 5 月 28 日/29 日

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耶穌說:「你們心裡不要憂愁;你們信神,也當信我。在我父的家裡有許多住處;若是沒有,我就早已告訴你們了。我去原是為你們預備地方去。我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡去,我在哪裡,叫你們也在那裡。」(約十四 1-3)





「我只想家宅平安」是 6 月 18 日(週六)長者佈道會的主題,如果你家中有未信的長者,鼓勵你邀請、也一再邀請他們參加,叫他們一同領受這上好福樂。你要為他們祈禱,並告訴長者科教牧,我們會請其他長者為你們所愛的長者家人祈禱的。


Pastor's Sharing

"I Only Wish My Family Well" – 618 Evangelistic Meeting for Seniors

Rev Kenneth Yum

Jesus said: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3)

This is a Scripture passage I often use for funeral services. I can see that for Christian members of the family involved, however saddened they may be and miss their beloved, being able to "meet again in the heavenly home" offers them great comfort and hope. I always tell the members of our senior fellowships that believers have three homes or families: our family of origin, our church and our heavenly home.

"Family" forms the core of our living, a most important part of our lives. Most people do their best to maintain and preserve their family, trying to make sure that everyone at home is well. At funeral services, family members often share on the lives of their departed parents. Most children recount how their parents worked selflessly to the last atom of their strength for their "home." Some brothers and sisters shared that the father worked seven to seven but still failed to feed the family. The mother took up outsourced jobs from factories to do at home while looking after the family. I was immensely moved by the accounts. It is true that many parents have no other wishes but for "the family to be well." As for children who are believers, they find that the best way to give back to their parents is to lead them to the Lord so they can share in the everlasting blessings.

Thanks be to God that in the past, I have seen how our brothers and sisters work hard to lead their parents to the Lord. Many children, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law not only take their parents to the church but also accompany them to attend classes for seekers, new believers, baptismal candidates, etc. that nurture their faith. Every quarter, I see tens of seniors getting baptized. The counselors and I witness the life renewal of each senior. One counselor said that when a senior first takes a gospel class, he or she often looks unhappy, passive, solemn and reserved. But once they give their lives to Christ, they become very different. It is just like the worship song that goes "Grief turns into joy. Sad faces brighten up."

Of course, seniors in the family may not immediately respond to the invitations to go to church or join faith courses. Some will take prolonged and incessant prayers, thoughtful ways and many invitations before they respond. Seniors are often moved by the testimony and zeal of brothers and sisters before they are finally willing to go to church. Some seniors even never go to church but when seriously sick, they believe in the Lord Jesus based on the foundation from hearing or knowing about the gospel before. They receive special baptism and peacefully go to the heavenly home.

"I Only Wish My Family Well" is the theme of the Evangelistic Meeting for Seniors on Jun 18 (Sat). If you have unbelieving seniors at home, I encourage you to invite them, or invite them again, so they too can receive the best blessings ever. You need to pray for them and also tell pastoral staff of the Elderly Ministry so we can ask other seniors to pray for the beloved seniors in your families.
