
2022 年 6 月 11 日 / 12 日

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拿細耳人是神在救恩歷史中留下的聖潔生命象徵,「拿細耳」意指分別出來、奉獻自己。立拿細耳人的願,男和女都可以,但必須是出於自願,他或她把自己分別出來,獻呈給神,單單為主所用(即「聖潔」一個重要的意義,不讓自己歸屬其他,只屬於主,只為主用,separate someone out for the Lord and for His use)。拿細耳人不可剪髮,因為他的頭髮是奉獻給神的象徵(symbol),所以不會剪下來作其他用途。當日子滿了,他便可以剪髮,但所剪下的必須在祭禮中獻呈給神,因為既是屬神的,便只會獻呈給神。

第二,拿細耳人不可接觸死人,因死亡與腐朽是從罪而來的,聖潔的卻是屬於永活的神,不會與邪惡、不義有任何連繫和接觸,死人在這裡正是象徵一切不潔的事物。主說:「你們務要從他們中間出來,與他們分別;不要沾不潔淨的物,我就收納你們。我要作你們的父;你們要作我的兒女」(林後六 17-18)。

第三,拿細耳人要戒除一切濃酒淡酒,因聖潔的生命只聽從神,單以神為樂,不需要用酒所象徵的各種人工方式去「提升」個人力量,更不會在神以外受制於任何會叫自己失控的人或事物。「不要作糊塗人,要明白主的旨意如何。不要醉酒,酒能使人放蕩;乃要被聖靈充滿。」(弗五 17-18)


Pastor's Sharing

Anybody Willing to be a Nazirite Today?

Rev Gordon Siu

In Numbers 6 in the Old Testament, God told Moses specifically that if anybody wants to be a Nazirite, he is required to observe three restrictions: first, during his period of dedication to God, he must refrain from shaving his head. He can only do so when his Nazirite vow is over. He has to put the hair cut from his head in the fire under the sacrifice of the fellowship offering to God. Secondly, during the period of the vow, he must avoid contact with the dead, otherwise he will defile himself. Thirdly, he needs to abstain from wine and other fermented drink.

In the history of God's grace of salvation, the Nazirite is a symbol of holy life. "Nazirite" means to be consecrated, dedicating oneself to God. Both men and women can take a Nazirite vow, but the act must be voluntary. He or she will be consecrated and dedicated to God for His use only. (In other words, an important meaning of "holiness" is to separate someone out for the Lord and for His use, not any others.) The Nazirite cannot cut his hair for his hair is a symbol of consecration to the Lord. So it will not be cut out for other purposes. When the days of the vow are over, he can cut his hair. But what is cut out must be offered to God in sacrificial rituals. What belongs to God can only be offered to Him.

Secondly, the Nazirite must not come in contact with a corpse. It is because death and decay come from sin. But holiness belongs to the everlasting God, who will not in any way be linked to, or come in contact with, evil or unrighteousness. The dead here symbolizes all things that are unclean. "Therefore, 'Come out from them and be separate,' says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.' And, 'I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:17-18)

Thirdly, the Nazirite must abstain from wine and fermented drinks since a holy life will only obey God, with God alone being his joy. He does not need wine, which symbolizes all kinds of artificial ways, to "boost" personal strength. Neither will he be bound by any person or anything other than God that will likely steer him out of control. "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." (Ephesians 5:17-18)

God calls all those who have experienced His salvation to no longer be enslaved to sin. They are to consecrate themselves to Him, to offer their bodies to Him as vessels of righteousness, to be used by Him so that their lives can completely belong to Him. Today, is anybody willing to take this calling seriously, to offer himself to God and make it his utmost desire to belong to Him completely – to be a New Testament Nazirite?
