
2022 年 6 月 18 日 / 19 日

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失落了的身分:參孫自出生已被分派作終身的拿細耳人,他母親由懷孕開始就要守拿細耳人的條例,神的使者對她說:「所以你當謹慎,清酒濃酒都不可喝,一切不潔之物也不可吃。」(4 節)但不可吃不潔之物,根本不是拿細耳人的專屬規例,而是摩西五經對眾百姓的明確指令,可參孫父母對神的律例卻是不清不楚。看來,約書亞離世後,每一世代的以色列民都一步一步的被迦南文化同化,失去了分別為聖的身分。今天,我們是否有分別為聖的堅持?

失落了的家庭:創世記中,不育得子的典型過程是:丈夫主動求神賜下孩子 → 神的使者報信或神應允禱告 → 妻子懷有孩子 → 孩子出生。但參孫父親瑪挪亞卻沒有為妻子祈禱,所以神的使者兩次都是向他妻子顯現。瑪挪亞魯莽、愚昧的對答,顯出他毫無屬靈辨識能力,只懂「起來跟隨他的妻」(11節)。


失落了的信仰:瑪挪亞的家庭,是以色列民失落信仰的產物。瑪挪亞和神使者的對答,一而再、再而三地顯出他是屬靈瞎眼。他認不出使者是從上主而來(16節);當他發覺這使者是與神有關,便試圖利用迦南文化中以問名字的方式,操控眼前的使者,討好使者,以為己所用(17 節)。



Pastor's Sharing

From Deviation to Lostness

Rev Arnold Chow

Samson is the most famous Nazirite in the Bible. Judges 13 recounts how Samson's parents encountered and experienced God and bore this child. Yet, they harbored some of the world's deviations from the path of God. The result was that Samson, despite his mighty strength that could take on a thousand enemies, lived a life of lostness and failure.

Lost Identity: Ever since birth, Samson had been designated as a Nazirite. His mother had observed the rules for Nazirites since pregnancy. The angel of the LORD said to her: "Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean" (v.4). Now, the rule of not eating anything unclean is not exclusive to the Nazirites. It was an explicit command in the Torah for all people of God. Samson's parents were unsure about the laws of God. It appeared that after the death of Joshua, generations of Israelites had increasingly been assimilated by the Canaan culture. They lost their identity of being set apart as holy. Today, do we insist on being set apart as holy?

Lost Family: The typical process for infertile couples to get a child in the Old Testament is like this: The husband takes the initiative to ask God for a child → The angel of the LORD conveys a message or God answers the prayer → The wife becomes pregnant and a child is born. Not so with Samson's father Manoah. The angel of the LORD appeared twice to his wife. Manoah's rash, foolish exchanges showed that he had no spiritual discerning ability and just "got up and followed his wife" (v.11).

Manoah should have been the spiritual head of his household but he did not fulfil his role. All his life, Samson was ungodly, he touched the red line and trespassed. He could not observe the three rules for Nazirites and even married Canaanite women. He followed different women all his life. Originally the spiritual head of the Israelites, Samson had not aptly fulfilled the duties of a judge. Who did he learn from?

Lost Faith: The Manoah family was a product of the loss of faith on the part of the Israelites. Manoah's exchanges with the angel of the LORD time and again revealed that he was spiritually blind. He could not tell that the angel was from the LORD (v.16). When he found that the angel was related to God, he tried to use the Canaanite way of name enquiry to control the angel, pleasing the angel to his own advantage (v.17).

Scholars in recent years point out that it was highly probable that the name Samson was connected with šemeš, a sun god popularly worshipped at the time. It therefore appears that this family, which on the surface was the people of God, did not really know Him. The Manoah family was far from being godly. This couple saw the angel of the LORD appearing, experienced the miracle of a bestowed child, but saw no change of life. This is what God's people who have lost their faith look like.

Brothers in Christ who are husbands or fathers, let this be our mutual exhortation: Do not allow deviations from the world which can so easily creep into our lives to make us gradually and habitually mistake the wrong for the right. Let us intentionally strive to be the spiritual head of the household. Let us re-cultivate the lost spiritual atmosphere in the family. And let our next generation live according to the will and calling of God so they will lead a victorious life.
