
2022 年 7 月 16 日 / 17 日

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耶穌說:「溫柔的人有福了!因為他們必承受地土。」(太五 5)「溫柔」(πραΰς)原來的意思不是體貼、善解人意。這個字詞應用在馬匹上,可解作「受馴服、受控制」;應用在藥物上,可解作「除去痛楚」。門徒的生命之所以「溫柔」,是因為信主的人將自己放在上主的主權和管理之下,讓自己的生命和力量帶有除去痛楚的功效。我們不能靠自己成為「溫柔的人」和賺取「承受地土」(得永恆安息)的福樂。「溫柔」與「心靈貧窮」是共生的,心靈貧窮的人知道自己無可倚靠而專心仰賴上主,也樂意接受主的管理。說到底,是主的工作和應許使我們在天國中有分(參詩三十七 9、11、27、29、34)。


所以,弟兄姊妹,當世界變得不像你預期,我們仍然要持定「不是倚靠勢力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的靈方能成事」(亞四 6)這個真理。無論是社會參與,或是傳揚福音、將人心奪回歸向主,我們都不是與屬血氣的爭戰,因此,也不應使用屬血氣的想法和手段。對於我們所用的方法,我們必須藉著真理的亮光、經驗的反省和禱告,進行倫理辨識(ethical discernment)。辨識的目的,不是要證明自己的所想所做是無錯,而是要在心思和言行上順服神、榮耀神,以至臻善。

弟兄姊妹,無論我們在地球村那個角落生活,我們都要相信,有一條道路比起「爭鬥或逃走」(Fight or Flight)都更好,那就是詩人所說的:「你當倚靠耶和華,並要行善;住在地上,以他的信實為糧。」(詩三十七 3,環球聖經譯本)


Pastor's Sharing

May God Raise Up the Meek and the Good

Rev Lawrence Chan

Jesus said: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). "Meek" (πραΰς) in the original language does not mean "caring meticulously" or "good at reading someone like a book." When used with horses, it can mean "tamed" or "under control." Used with medicine, the word can mean "relieving pain." Disciples' lives are "meek" because those who believe in God put themselves under the sovereignty and control of the LORD. In doing so, their lives and what they do have the effect of taking pain away. We cannot rely on ourselves to become "the meek" and earn the blessing of "inheriting the earth" (receiving everlasting peace). "Meekness" and "spiritual poverty" are symbiotic. Those who are poor in spirit know they have nothing to rely on, and so they look up unto the LORD alone and are happy to be controlled by Him. After all, it is the work and promises of God that give us a place in the Heavenly Kingdom (See Psalm 37:9, 11, 27, 29, 34).

The more there are proud and wild people in the world, the more valuable are the meek and good people. In the face of vice and unrighteousness, people tend to mobilize and put together whatever power they have to fight, even bringing in more arguments for using violence. But in doing so, in their attempt to counter the unrighteousness, they themselves have become unrighteous. For example, when under attack, using a reasonable level and means of force to defend the territory and protect civilians' lives is understandable. But violent treatment of surrendered soldiers and deliberate attack on the opponents' civilians and civil facilities cannot rightfully be called a "just war." Indeed, all powers need to be subject to restraints from above. Christians should all the more restrain themselves out of reverence for God's sovereignty. They should believe that only the power released under the guidance and control of the Lord is good and beneficial.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, when the world has become not as you have expected, let us cling to the truth: "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit" (Zechariah 4:6). Whether in social participation or in spreading the gospel to win souls for the Lord, we are not fighting against flesh and blood. For this reason, we should not deploy the mentality and means of the world. In the light of the truth, reflection on experience and prayer, we must exercise ethical discernment. The purpose of discernment is not to prove that our thoughts and actions are correct but rather to submit what we think and do to God in obedience to Him and to glorify Him so that they are truly good.

Brothers and sisters, wherever we are in the global village, we must believe in a better way than "fight or flight." It is like what the psalmist says: "Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture" (Psalm 37:3).

May the Lord raise up meek and good people for this city. May we be among them. Amen.
