
2022 年 8 月 6 日 / 7 日

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今年 3 月,我開始在少年科服事。正當我帶著戰兢的心情投入這事奉時,有一位媽媽特別走過來對我說:「我的兒子和女兒都很喜歡上少年主日學 Sun Logos。我的兒子說如果他要到外國讀書,最不捨得的就是 Sun Logos,他還告訴妹妹,每級的老師都很好,她升班後就會知道。女兒在課堂聽到要傳福音,文靜的她竟然帶了一位同學參與線上的 Sun Logos。」聽到這位媽媽的分享,真的很高興,相信是天父藉這位媽媽和兩位少年人替我打一支強心針。服事少年人雖具挑戰,但卻很有意義,這也是我的動力所在。

5 月的家庭主日中,同工說:「平日事奉有時真的很疲累,但看見少年人,與他們傾談,我就很有動力!今天看不見他們,就少了些動力。」我驚喜發現,原來同工的動力是來自與少年人同行。


從這少年的經歷,我們知道,少年人確實面對不少難以招架的衝擊,包括學業和人際關係的壓力、物質主義和世俗不同價值觀等考驗,他們很需要導師與他們同行,與他們一起察驗出甚麼是神的旨意,以致不會模仿這個世代(羅十二 2)。



Pastor's Sharing

Teenagers are Our Motivation

Rev Jenny Ching

It is sometimes said, "Teenagers rarely reply when asked, and when they do reply, they are often argumentative. Getting along with teenagers is frustrating!" This may be true for some people.

In March this year, I started serving with the Youth Ministry. When I was feeling a bit anxious, a mother drew near and told me, "Both my son and my daughter love the Youth Sunday School, SunLogos. My son said if he was to study abroad, what he would miss the most would be SunLogos. He also told his younger sister that teachers of all levels at SunLogos were very good and she would know when she is promoted to SunLogos. My daughter is a quiet girl, but she brought a classmate to join SunLogos online after she had learned about spreading the gospel." I am very glad to hear the mother's sharing. It must have been our Heavenly Father's encouragement for me through the mother and the two young people. Indeed, serving the teenagers is challenging but it is also meaningful. It is also where the motivation comes from.

On Family Sunday in May, a co-worker said, "Serving can at times be quite exhausting. But when I see the teenagers and talk with them, I feel energized! Not so when they are not around today." I was surprised to find that my co-worker was energized through walking with young people.

In caring for a teenager recently, I am grateful to God for letting me experience the joy of walking with them. Several years ago, this teenager went through a very dark incident. At their most desperate time, he and his parents humbly prayed, sincerely confessing their sins to God. In the end, the matter somehow concluded itself. So far, the teenager is still willing to steadfastly follow Jesus. Looking back, he was certain that it was the invisible hand of God at work. He firmly believed that the matter really would not have been resolved without the help of God. Through this, I experienced the motivation from walking with young people. This teenager has made me reflect on myself. If I am to experience such obvious rescue from God, would I so resolutely share with others that "It must be God who has helped me!" like he did?

We know from these young people's experience that they are faced with lots of challenges which they can hardly tackle, including pressure from schoolwork and interpersonal relationships, tests from materialism and secular values, to name just a few. They need counselors to walk with them, to help them test and approve what God's will is, so they will not conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2).

We are grateful that all along, we have had a lot of great counselors serving at the Youth Ministry. Nevertheless, some of them have left in recent years for one reason or another. In the absence of adequate manpower, there is genuine concern that the growth of the teenagers would be affected. We often pray for God to send more good and faithful brothers and sisters and who love the teenagers to join the ministry. If you want to know more about serving with the Youth Ministry, please contact our co-workers.

We pray that God will not only convince us that teenagers are a motivation for us to serve but also that more young people will encounter Christ the Lord personally and, through the encounter, be empowered to steadfastly follow Him.
