
2022 年 8 月 20 日 / 21 日

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人們慶祝生辰的時候,總會為過去的人生歲月予以祝賀及致敬,也會思量怎樣延展生命的力量,讓自己活得更加精采。在北宣家 70 週年堂慶之際,我們除了向神感恩之外,還有甚麼應作的事奉,使自己的信仰生命彰顯神的榮耀,叫人得著主的慈愛?

我想起一件需要持續去作的事。每年 10 月,北宣家定會舉辦堂慶佈道會,傳講基督的福音。回想北宣的緣起,是1952年7月宣道聖經學院的神學生到北角糖水道舉行街頭佈道會,那時候的對象,多是離鄉別井、幾經艱苦來港謀生的人,當中也有經歷戰亂、沒有居留身分的難民,是一群渴望為生命尋到價值及意義的貧困者。物換星移,時間瞬間逝去,今日香港的經濟處境雖比以前富裕,不乏生活物資,但許多人的內心卻仍然感到燥動不安,對前景感到憂慮。我們要將福音傳給「貧窮人」,所指的不是經濟上有缺乏的人,而是困苦傷心、被擄在囚、悲哀沮喪的人,他們都是神拯救與賜恩的對象,昔日耶穌被父神差遣,也是為了向貧窮人宣告「主的恩年」已經來臨(賽六十一 1-2;路四 16-21)。

北宣在開堂之初,已定期舉辦佈道會,讓弟兄姊妹學習廣傳福音、領人歸主的事奉,那時北宣會將佈道聚會的通告掛在教會窗外與街道的電燈桿上,叫更多人看到聚會的消息。不論聚會堂址是大是小,教會都會安排同步守望祈禱會,在屬靈爭戰中求神使用我們,放膽講明福音的奧秘(弗六 18-19)。因著多年的佈道行動,北宣家已凝聚了許多不同群體,除了夫婦、小孩及長者外,也有中學生、大專生、在職青年、傷健肢體、婦女、男士、新移民及基層人士,我們應持續靠著聖靈的能力及堅定的信念,在所屬的群體帶領未聞福音的人得著主的眷愛,叫主救贖的道在我們當中傳出去。

此時此刻,我們的心務要堅固,不可動搖,常常竭力多作主工,也用各樣的智慧傳揚基督,勸戒及教導各人歸屬神,在基督裡得到完全(林前十五 58;西一 28)。雖然北宣家仍因疫情無法舉行堂慶愛筵,但我們卻矢志持續為未信者擺設基督福音的筵席。弟兄姊妹,傳喜信、報福音者的腳蹤何等佳美,而流淚撒種的,必然歡呼收割,帶著禾捆回來(羅十 15;詩一二六 5-6)。今天是福音主日,邀請大家勿忘在堂慶期間多作佈道,為未來一同編寫更多榮耀神的故事。

Pastor's Sharing

Church Anniversary and A Life of Evangelism

Rev Samuel Tam

People usually celebrate their birthdays with congratulations and commemorations of the past. They will also think about how to extend the vibrancy of their lives to make their lives more bountiful. At a time when the NPAC family is about to celebrate its 70th anniversary, besides giving thanks to God, what should we do to serve to let God's glory be manifest in our lives so that others may share in the Lord's lovingkindness?

I can think of one thing that must continue. Every year in October, the NPAC family would organize anniversary evangelistic meetings to spread the gospel of Christ. Looking back at how NPAC started, it was in July 1952, when seminarians from the C&MA Bible Seminary conducted an outdoor evangelistic meeting at Tong Shui Road. The target group at that time were mostly people who have traveled far from home and braved great hardships to make a living in Hong Kong. Some of them were war refugees without the right of abode here. They were an underprivileged group which longed to seek out the value and meaning of life. Time flies and circumstances have changed. Today, the economic situation in Hong Kong has become more affluent. There is no lack of material supplies, but the hearts of many are still agitated with no peace. They are worried about the future. We need to spread the gospel to the "poor" – which refers not to the financially inadequate but the sorrowful, captives, hurt, saddened and frustrated. They are targets of God's salvation and grace. Jesus was sent by the Father "to proclaim good news to the poor" in "the year of the Lord's favor" (Isaiah 61:1-2; Luke 4:16-21).

Ever since inception, the NPAC has organized regular evangelistic meetings so brothers and sisters can learn to spread the gospel and lead others to Christ. At that time, NPAC hanged notices about forthcoming evangelistic meetings outside the church windows and on lamp posts in the streets so that more people can see news about the meetings. And whether in small or large church premises, NPAC would arrange simultaneous prayer meetings for the evangelistic meetings to seek God to use us in the spiritual war so we "will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel" (Ephesians 6:18-19). After years of evangelistic efforts, the NPAC family has gathered many different communities – besides couples, children and seniors, there are also secondary school students, tertiary students, young working adults, handicapped brothers and sisters, women, men, new arrivals and grassroots. By the power of the Spirit and with a steadfast faith, we should sustain our effort to lead those who have not heard of the gospel in our respective communities to the Lord's love so that we will be a channel of the truth about His salvation.

At this time, we must stand firm and not be moved. We must always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:58, Colossians 1:28). Although the NPAC family still cannot have love feasts amid the pandemic, let us be determined to continue presenting feasts of the Lord’s salvation for non-believers. Dear brothers and sisters, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them (Romans 10:15, Psalm 126:5-6). Today is Gospel Sunday. I invite all of you not to forget to make an evangelistic effort especially during church anniversary and, together, weave more God-glorifying stories.
