新領域 ‧ 新眼光

2022 年 9 月 3 日 / 4 日

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隨著時代巨輪的轉動,你是否赫然發現自己已進入一個全新的領域?這新領域會否讓你看見新的宣教機遇,建立新的福音模式?還是叫你看見舉步維艱的重重障礙?新領域若沒有「新心」的預備,就會像新酒裝在舊皮袋裡:構造僵硬,不能盛載新的事物,以致沒有空間接受聖靈新的感動、方法和帶領。以色列人進入應許地前,曾在曠野繞路 40 年,他們雖經歷過紅海的神蹟、嗎哪的供應,但卻擺脫不了舊有的生命,仍保留著被埃及人奴役 400 年之後所衍生的奴性,他們竟要求返回為奴之家,以滿足口腹之慾,不肯在流奶與蜜之地開展新的旅程。原來一顆新心最首要的覺醒,是要放下舊我的頑梗和執迷(結三十六 26)。留戀過去、不願踏出舒適圈,便會錯失神要展開的新工作,倘能經歷聖靈的更新,即使再艱險的環境,我們都會憑著新的眼光,進入新的領域。

探視迦南地的十個探子,面對新領域的挑戰時,只看見環境的險峻和自己的有限:堅固的城、自己是蚱蜢(民十三 28、33)。他們的恐慌主導著內心的負面判斷,以致他們選擇不進入美地。另外兩名探子約書亞和迦勒,看見的卻是神的應許:極美的流奶與蜜之地(十四 7-8),所以他們就放膽宣告:「我們立刻上去得那地吧!我們足能得勝」(十三 30)。一樣的旅程,為甚麼有不一樣的反應?兩批人的信心分別在於一個鑰詞「看見」,十個探子是根據環境的險峻來看神和自己,兩個探子卻是根據神的大能、同在與應許來看環境。約書亞和迦勒的眼光越過眼前的重重障礙,並能一次又一次經歷神的新恩和新作為!親愛的弟兄姊妹,對於你現在所處的新領域,你判斷的根據又是甚麼呢?迦勒選擇「專心跟從」神,直譯是「充滿、在後面」,意即完全地跟在神後面,最終他在 85 歲那年得著神的應許:「你腳所踏之地定要歸你和你的子孫永遠為業,因為你專心跟從耶和華——我的神。」(書十四 9)

現時你是跟在誰後面?他怎樣影響你進入新領域呢?對於今天的你,神帶領你的腳掌踏在哪片土地上?祂交付你的使命是甚麼呢?你是否已預備好以新的眼光來進入神的新領域、來得祂的應許,並榮耀祂的美名?「看哪,我要做一件新事;如今要發現,你們豈不知道嗎?我必在曠野開道路,在沙漠開江河。」(賽四十三 19)

Pastor's Sharing

New Horizons, New Insight

Rev Yina Chow

As the wheel of time turns, do you feel like you have suddenly landed in brand new horizons? Do you see any new mission opportunities in the new horizons and construct new models for evangelism? Or do you just see a future journey studded with obstacles and difficulties? It is true that without the readiness of "a new heart," the new horizons will be like new wine in old wineskins with a rigid structure that is unable to contain anything new. It will have no room for the Spirit’s new inspirations, methods or guidance. Before entering the Promised Land, the Israelites had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Despite experiencing the miracle of the Red Sea and the provision of manna, they were unable to get rid of their old life. They still retain the slave mentality developed over 400 years of slavery in Egypt. They even demanded to go back to the land of slavery to fulfill their yearning for food rather than starting their new journey in the land flowing with milk and honey. Indeed, the first most important awakening of a new heart is letting go of the stubbornness and obsession of the old self (Ezekiel 36:26). Holding on to the past and refusing to step out of your comfort zone will make you miss out on the new work God is unfolding. But if we can experience the renewal of the Spirit, we will be able to enter the new horizons with new insight, however difficult the environment.

Faced with the challenges of the new horizons, the ten men sent to explore Canaan only saw a difficult environment and their own limitations: fortified cities and their being like grasshoppers (Numbers 13:28, 33). Their negative judgment was borne out of fear and they chose not to enter Canaan. On the other hand, the other two men, Joshua and Caleb, saw the promises of God: The land was exceedingly good, flowing with milk and honey (14: 7-8). So they boldly proclaimed: "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it" (13:30). The same journey was met with two entirely different responses. Why? The difference in the faith of the two groups of men lies in the key word "see." While the 10 spies saw God and themselves on the basis of a dangerous environment, the other two saw the environment based on the mighty power of God, His presence and promises. Joshua and Caleb looked beyond all the difficulties and were able to time and again experience God's new grace and new deeds! Dear brothers and sisters, what is the basis of your judgment of the new horizons you are now in? Caleb chose to "follow God wholeheartedly." This phrase literally means "to fill, to follow fully," meaning to wholly follow God. Finally, at age 85, he saw the promise of God come true: "The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly" (Joshua 14:9).

Right now, whom are you following? And how does he influence your entering into the new horizons? As far as you are concerned today, which piece of land does God lead you to step onto? What mission has God entrusted you with? Are you prepared to enter God's new horizons with new insight so you can see His promise realized and glorify His great name? "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland" (Isaiah 43:19).
