
2023 年 2 月 11 日 / 12 日

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過馬路來炮台山地鐵站的人群,只要稍為抬頭,就能看見教會的玻璃貼畫。畫中的主耶穌向前伸出手,這是祂在海面上行走的一幕情景(太十四 30-31)。這畫作是由一位視覺藝術家弟兄用了十個月時間繪製的,去年 10 月堂慶,教會趁著大廈玻璃外牆翻新,便換上這貼畫,希望連同更換過的射燈和十字架背燈,讓更多在人海中浮沉的人,看見這裡有高舉基督十架的教會。

在五餅二魚的神蹟後,耶穌打發簇擁著祂的群眾散去,沒留下一人幫忙,反而吩咐門徒全都先行乘船度過海的另一邊。船航行至夜深,「那時船在海中,因風不順,被浪搖撼。」(24 節)「搖撼」的原文有「折磨」之意。上一次度海遇風浪,門徒看見耶穌行了平靜風浪的神蹟,但這次⋯⋯

看不見主,但祂仍在看顧 在人海中,你定有過逆風而行的時刻。一浪接一浪的衝擊「折磨」著你——身體的疾病、家人的恩怨愛恨、兒女令你憂心的事、婚姻中的張力、工作上的樽頸、社會時局的變動⋯⋯在這其中,實在不易看見主的同在。

然而,看不見不等如祂不在。耶穌解散了群眾後,「就獨自上山去禱告」(23 節)。到過聖地加利利海旁山地的人,定知道在視野開闊的山上可以看到加利利海上的船隻。耶穌在山上禱告,一直念記著門徒。門徒即使看不見主,但主仍在看顧。

看見主同在,也認出祂的作為 主並非等至天亮才坐船找門徒,而是直接行走在狂風大浪的水面上,往門徒那裡去。在一天裡最漆黑的時間,門徒隱約看見海上有一黑影走近,立時嚇破了膽。主以門徒想像以外的方式介入他們的困難,但門徒分辨不到。耶穌立刻對他們說:「你們放心,是我,不要怕」(27 節)。


看見困難不變,求告主名必得救 接著,耶穌允許彼得在水上走到祂那裡,但彼得卻因看見風浪依舊強勁,因而信心動搖和下沉。在沒頂前,他大叫:「主啊!救我!」耶穌就「趕緊伸手拉住他」(30-31 節)。今天,你的人生正往下沉嗎?只管開口求告主名。因為「凡求告主名的就必得救」(羅十 13)!


Pastor's Sharing

What is Seen and What is Unseen

Rev Arnold Chow

  The crowds crossing the road to go to Fortress Hill MTR Station can easily see our church's glass-wall mural above them. In the mural, the Lord Jesus holds out His hand to the people – a scene from His walking on the water (Matthew 14:30-31). The mural was the work of a brother, a visual artist, who spent 10 months creating it. It was put up last October during our church’s anniversary when the outer glass-wall of the church building was renovated. Together with the new spotlights and the lights behind the cross, it is hoped that more of those braving the sea of life will see a church that lifts up the cross of Christ.
  After the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, Jesus dismissed the crowd and did not ask anyone to stay behind to help. Instead, He asked His disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side. In the middle of the night, "the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it" (v.24). "Buffeted" in the original language means "troubled greatly." The last time when they crossed the sea in inclement weather, the disciples saw the miracle of Jesus calming the storm and waves. But this time…

The Lord is unseen but He is still watching over
  In the sea of life, there must have been times when you have to sail against the odds. Waves after waves "greatly trouble" you – physical illness, the love and hate of family members, worries for your children, tension in marriage, bottlenecks at work, social changes… In the midst of all this, it is really not easy to see God’s presence.
  Nevertheless, not seeing Him does not mean He is not present. After dismissing the crowd, "he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray" (v.23). Those who have visited the mountainside neighboring the Sea of Galilee will know that on the mountain, there is a broad view of the ships sailing in the Sea of Galilee.
  Jesus prayed on the mountain and He always remembered His disciples. Though the disciples did not see the Lord, He was still watching over them.

Seeing the Lord's presence and recognizing His deeds:
  The Lord did not wait until dawn to go to His disciples by boat. He walked on the rough water to His disciples. At the darkest hour, the disciples could barely see a figure approaching and were terrified. The Lord was intervening in their difficulties in a way beyond the disciples' imagination, but they did not realize that. Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid" (v.27).
  Sometimes, the Lord would come into our predicament in a way unfamiliar to us. May the Lord help us see and recognize His deeds.

Seeing hardship remains but whoever calls on the Lord's name will be saved
  Then, Jesus allowed Peter to come to Him on the water. But when Peter saw that the wind was still strong, his faith was shaken and he began to sink. Before he was drowned, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!'" "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him" (vv. 30-31).
  Today, is your life sinking? Just call on the name of the Lord, for "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" (Romans 10:13).

  About a month after our church's glass-wall mural was put up, a newcomer told the ushers that he walked into the church to seek the truth because he saw the mural. Praise the Lord!
