「小子」就是 VIP

2023 年 6 月 24 日 / 25 日

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2021 年北宣家成立了社區見證部,自此教牧、社工和參與社區服事的弟兄姊妹就更緊密地配搭起來,無論是在堂內接待服事鄰舍,或是走入社區關懷街角的朋友,我們都在弟兄姊妹和鄰舍身上發掘了更多神所賜的禮物。神所賜的禮物不一定「人見人愛」,反而往往是帶來考驗,不過卻讓我們與神相遇。其中一群神賜給我們的禮物,是有特殊學習需要的兒童(簡稱 SEN 兒童)。

據社福機構估計,2020 年全港至少有 82,858 名孩子確定為 SEN 兒童(學前兒童 11,475 名,學童 71,383 名),佔當時全港兒童的 8.09%。根據 2021 年香港社區組織協會的調查,我們發覺受訪學童家庭需要關心的好些地方包括:
(1)九成受訪 SEN 兒童就讀主流學校,超過六成有注意力不足或過度活躍症;
(2)超過七成基層家庭月入低於 $15,000 元;
(3)學習、訓練、興趣和情緒行為支援是 SEN 兒童最需要的服務;
(4)有興趣潛能的 SEN 兒童礙於家庭經濟,無法得到長期培養。

從以上的簡介可見,SEN 兒童及他們的家庭很需要得到支援。過去,教會在教育樓開設的託管班組,曾經有一班是特別為 SEN 兒童而設的,但因為欠缺相關資歷的導師,最後未能繼續。我們一直覺得很有虧欠,但也為託管導師和其他班組的事奉人員以愛心接待這類學童而感恩。

當然,挑戰是實在的。要在每天兩個多小時的限定時間裡,幫助每位學童完成功課和溫習,良好的秩序是首要條件,但也是難以滿足到的條件。我們其中一位 VIP(貴賓)是 SEN 學童,若果欠缺義工幫忙,要安頓他和完成任務,難度極高。這位 VIP 在週末會參與「全人發展學童計劃」,在其中學習英語,也有機會認識信仰。弟兄姊妹和社工都很關心他和他的家庭,但也為了讓他繼續參與而有些掙扎。

最近,導師在班上講約伯記的故事,提到撒但要以對付約伯來證明人只是為了利益而信神。有兩位同學聽完故事後竟然討論:「你鐘意上帝還是撒但?」這時,VIP 就說:「我鍾意上帝,雖然我未見過佢。」當導師知道此事,就對牧者說:「我真係好感動,上帝令我搵番我在『全人』事奉嘅初心——讓孩子在年紀小的時候認識神。」

每個小子,都是上主給我們的禮物,是我們的 VIP。讓我們以愛回應。

昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

Each "Child" is a VIP

Rev Lawrence Chan

  NPAC's Community Witness Department was established in 2021. Since then, pastoral staff, social workers and brothers and sisters participating in community services could collaborate more closely. Whether it be through receiving and serving our neighbors inside the church or going into the community to care for friends in the street corners, we have been able to identify many more gifts from God among our brothers and sisters as well as our neighbors. These divine gifts may not be "everyone's darling." They even often bring challenges. Nevertheless, that allows us to encounter God. One of these God-given gifts is a group of children with special educational needs (i.e., SEN children).

   According to social welfare institutions, it is estimated that in 2020, at least 82,858 children in Hong Kong have been diagnosed with SEN (with 11,475 pre-school and 71,383 school children). They make up 8.09% of the children population at the time. According to the 2021 survey of the Society for Community Organization, we found that the families of these children need care in many areas, including:

 1) 90% of the children surveyed study in mainstream schools. More than 60% of them have attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder;
 2) More than 70% of the grassroot families earn less than $15,000 a month;
 3) The most needed services for SEN children are support for their learning, training, interests, and emotion and behavior; and
 4) Due to their family financial situation, SEN children cannot receive long-term grooming for their interests and potential.

  It can be seen from the above brief introduction how desperately these children and their families need support. In the past, the church provided daycare service at the Education Center, and one of the groups was designated for SEN children. However, the service was finally discontinued due to a lack of tutors with relevant qualifications. We felt obliged to them all the time. But we are also thankful that the tutors and those who serve in these groups had received these children with love.

  Admittedly, the challenges are real. We need to finish helping every child complete their homework and review what they have learnt within a time limit of two hours or so. Order in class is a primary condition, but it is also one that is difficult to attain. One of our Very Important Persons (VIPs) is a SEN child. If not for the assistance from voluntary workers, it has been extremely difficult to help him calm down and complete the tasks. This VIP also attends the “Whole-person Development Scheme for School Children,” from which he learns English and has the opportunity to know about faith. Brothers and sisters and social workers care much about him and his family. At the same time, they also have some struggles about his continued participation.

  Recently, the tutor related the story of Job in class and mentioned how Satan inflicted Job in order to prove that people believe in God only for benefits. After listening to the story, two students started a discussion: “Do you like God or Satan?” At that moment, the VIP said: "I like God, although I have never seen Him." After knowing this, the tutor told the pastor: "I am so moved. God has helped me rediscover that original passion with which I joined the "Whole-person Development Scheme" – to help children know God from young."

  Each and every child is the LORD’s gift for us and our VIP. Let us respond with love.

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