
2023 年 9 月 23 日 / 24 日

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昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

It is Most Honorable to Serve the Lord

Rev Wayne Cheung

  At church, I know a leader who has faithfully served in the same role for many years. Whether the environment is good or bad, he works steadfastly to walk with believers in their spiritual growth. Another leader holds an important position in the workplace and yet he is still very humble and polite. At worship services, he serves in an inconspicuous, supportive role. And recently, I have got to know some “retrained” leaders. Very experienced people, they are nevertheless willing to spend time to review what they already know and learn new ministry skills. They have an open and receptive approach to learning. I am grateful to God for the NPAC family.

I have found that all these ministry leaders, whichever area they serve in, have one thing in common. They cherish an attitude to serve that is close to the heart of God. They show spiritual qualities in line with our faith – faithful, good, humble, kind… And amid the ups and downs of serving, they know clearly God’s calling for them, which is why they can willingly glorify God and build others up. They well understand the will of God. Their service is not for applause nor for show-off in the limelight. Rather, they really love the church and they serve to build up the body of Christ for the greatest benefit of the whole congregation.

As the pandemic eases and things gradually return to normal, a good supply of manpower and resources is the key to success. Governments across the world deploy various means to attract talents. Some try to stem the outflow, some get talents from others, some train up, others preserve or bring in bonuses. No doubt about it, if you want the city to develop, you need the talent. In the post-pandemic church, what sort of ministry resources and packages do we need?

Through studying the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, the theme of the sermons of this quarter focuses on how we can experience the guidance and grace of God on the road to resuming normalcy. Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah were key leaders in the period of return from exile. To enable smooth implementation of various plans, they needed unity of the people including leaders at various levels so that, together as one, they could fulfill what God entrusted to them in different periods: to rebuild the temple, to rebuild the walls, and to remold the holy people. What these two books of the Old Testament emphasize time and again is that the graceful hand of God is among them, a testimony to the fact that God walks and works with His people, and that He establishes and is pleased with the work of their hands.

I mentioned a 3S-principle in my ministry leader classes: Servant, Shepherd and Steward. Whatever the change in our circumstances, whatever the discrepancy between our serving environment and the reality, believers must still humbly serve the Lord and build others up. If we are lacking in certain areas, we should do our best to care for others and shepherd one another. Even in unfavorable situations, we should insist on caring and keeping watch over others in a people-oriented manner. Finally, everyone who serves is the Lord’s steward. Knowing that we have to bring our books before the Lord one day, we must faithfully do what we are entrusted with seriously, respectfully, and with continuous self-improvement.

After all, what an honor and blessing it is to serve the Lord of grace!

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