
2023 年 9 月 30 日 / 10 月 1 日

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1. 同心合意,興旺福音的「見證」



2. 彼此相愛,不離不棄的「見證」

我給你們一條新命令,就是要你們彼此相愛⋯⋯而如果你們彼此之間有愛,所有人就會認出你們是我的門徒。 (約十三34-35)


3. 不分遠近,服事他人的「見證」

⋯⋯主啊!我們甚麼時候見你餓了就給你吃,渴了就給你喝呢?⋯⋯而見你流落異鄉就收留你,衣不蔽體就給你穿呢?⋯⋯而見你病了,或關在監獄裡,就去看你呢?⋯⋯而我實在告訴你們,你們所做的,既是做在我這些最小的弟兄中任何一個身上,就是做在我的身上了。 (太二十五37-40)

「男人天空」使命團契今年復活節重啟監獄探訪,與超過50名少年囚友一起唱歌、遊戲、傾談,分享福音。4月底,一個人數不多的團契再與坪洲的堂會合作,一同往沙灘撿垃圾,服事當地居民。最近,一個成年夫婦團契與社見部合作,在真理樓地下Living Stone開辦了和諧粉彩班,因而接待了幾個教會外的家庭,為他們帶來關愛與歡樂。「作鄰舍,愛鄰舍」,就是見證主,服事主。


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Pastor's Sharing

Testimonies of Our Community –"Thinking Carefully Before Acting"

Rev Patrick Wong

  The Chinese proverb “三思而後行” (literally meaning “think three times before acting”) advises that we should not act recklessly but should think carefully and discern clearly first. I wish to make use of and slightly modify the meaning of this concise and precise proverb to help us “think thrice” the meaning and practice of the testimonies of our Christian community.

1. The “testimony” of fulfilling one commission with one heart – “God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. ” (Acts 2:32) Early this year, a gospel movie was screened in Hong Kong. One of our adult fellowships took the opportunity to select a timeslot in a cinema and have a buyout of the movie. They invited non-believing relatives and friends to watch it together and listen to a gospel message by a pastor after the movie. Meanwhile, a women’s fellowship which meets on a weekday morning usually organizes an evangelistic meeting in December every year. This year, they choose to team up with two other women’s fellowships which also meet in daytime during the week to jointly organize a Christmas evangelistic meeting. They are all witnesses of the gospel.

2. The “testimony” of loving one another continually – “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. ” (John 13:34-35) Over the past few years, a number of brothers and sisters have dropped out of fellowships because of the pandemic or incidents in society. Now, through meals, love feasts, outings, appointments, etc., many adult fellowships keep trying to connect with old members in various ways in the hope of bringing them back to the fellowships. Thanks be to God! Some long-lost faces are reappearing in fellowships just like in the old days. Even some members who have previously split up due to difference in opinions are willing to be back to the groups they belonged. Some other members themselves or their families had experienced sickness and difficulties as part of “daily fellowship life.” Members have all along kept watch over and helped out one another. These acts of “loving one another” are the mark of the Lord’s disciples.

3. The “testimony” of serving others near and far – “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? …. a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? …. sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ …. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ” (Matthew 25:37-40) This Easter season, the Sky of Men Mission Fellowship has relaunched prison visits. They sang songs, played games, chatted, and shared the gospel with more than 50 juvenile inmates. At the end of April, a fellowship with a small number of people collaborated with a church in Peng Chau to serve residents there by picking up trash on the beach. And more recently, an adult couples fellowship and the Community Witness Department organized a Pastel Nagomi Art class at Living Stone on G/F of Truth Center. Through this, they brought care and joy to several families outside the church. To “be others’ neighbors and love our neighbors” is to testify and serve the Lord.

  “Think carefully before acting” – After “thinking thrice” about the testimonies of our community, it is time for you and I to put words into action and put biblical truths into practice.

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