有福的人 神恩如冕

2024 年 2 月 10 日 / 11 日

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1 (交詩班長 大衛之詩)
神居錫安 靜默為頌
2-3 禱告蒙允 向祢還願
生靈前來 連眾罪戾
罪軛重壓 祢赦咎責
4 得祢揀選 有福的人
使之近前 居祢院宇
我眾滿享 聖殿美福

5 威榮奇蹟 覆示公義
拯救的神 地極四方
天涯海角 全信賴祢
6 力定群山 大能蓄勢
平復安靖 湧浪澎湃
驚濤拍岸 眾口喧嚷
祢施奇蹟 地極畏敬
從東到西 萬民歡頌

甘霖澤地 處處豐收
神的河川 水量沛盈
因祢預備 禾穀齊備
細雨鬆土 灌溉犁溝
平整田壟 得福茁長
祢恩如冕 圍繞全年
祢的軌跡 溢滿豐盈
野地草場 同得滿溢
群山茂盛 樂滿山腰
片片草場 群羊為衣
條條山谷 麥穗為裳
盡皆高歌 歡呼頌揚

「有福的人」就是蒙神揀選之人,他們禱告蒙應允(2、3 節),而其中利未祭司甚至能居於神的院宇。今日,跟隨基督的,就有這祭司的身分,也能滿享聖殿的美福,這豈不值得我們揚聲高歌嗎?

這些有福的人以「靜默為頌」(1 節)。原來靜默也是一種讚美的形式。就好像年初一清晨起床,雖然清靜,但那不是孤寂,而是寧謐、安穩和溫暖,因為知道稍後就會見到家人親友或弟兄姊妹同賀新年。能以靜默作讚美,是因為「神居錫安」,只要有神臨在之處,就是安享平安之境。


詩篇第三段是我為北宣家人、我們的城市、我們的國家所作的禱求:祈求不但「有福的人」能靈命充沛、生活富足,也願我們所在之地,都能經歷上主沛然賜下百物豐收的景象(9-13 節)。願神所賜的美福「圍繞全年」,就像冠冕圈戴頭上那樣貼服而榮美(11 節);願神恩延展至我們家國各處,就連非由人手經營之地、遍地萬物,都同享豐饒(12 節),以致萬眾生靈一起稱謝上主的隆恩。誠心所願!

昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

The Blessed Are Crowned with God's Bounty

Rev Arnold Chow

  This year, I would like to send my greetings for the Year of the Dragon with my Chinese translation of Psalm 65 "The Blessed":

(交詩班長 大衛之詩)
神居錫安 靜默為頌
禱告蒙允 向祢還願
生靈前來 連眾罪戾
罪軛重壓 祢赦咎責
得祢揀選 有福的人
使之近前 居祢院宇
我眾滿享 聖殿美福

威榮奇蹟 覆示公義
拯救的神 地極四方
天涯海角 全信賴祢
力定群山 大能蓄勢
平復安靖 湧浪澎湃
驚濤拍岸 眾口喧嚷
祢施奇蹟 地極畏敬
從東到西 萬民歡頌

甘霖澤地 處處豐收
神的河川 水量沛盈
因祢預備 禾穀齊備
細雨鬆土 灌溉犁溝
平整田壟 得福茁長
祢恩如冕 圍繞全年
祢的軌跡 溢滿豐盈
野地草場 同得滿溢
群山茂盛 樂滿山腰
片片草場 群羊為衣
條條山谷 麥穗為裳
盡皆高歌 歡呼頌揚

  "The blessed" refers to those chosen by God. Their prayers God answers (vv. 2-3). Among them, the Levitical priests could even live in His courts. Today, all who follow Christ have this identity of priesthood and the full privilege of His holy temple. Isn’t that a reason for us to lift our voices and sing?

  Some of the blessed people praise in silence (v.1). Now silence is also a form of praise. It is like waking up in the early morning of Chinese New Year Day. Though it is quiet, it is not loneliness but tranquility, calmness and warmth, because we know that family and relatives or brothers and sisters will soon turn up to celebrate the new year together. One can praise in silence because God dwells in Zion. Where God’s presence is, there is peace.

  The second part of the psalm refers to the roaring of the seas and the turmoil of the nations. It is a situation with no peace. I recall that when the world returned to normalcy after the pandemic last year, there was no peace either – conflicts and crises were rampant, and the nations were in turmoil. Over the past few months, we also saw ups and downs in the economy and people's livelihood. I believe our greatest wish at this moment is that the Lord who saves will calm things down.

  The third part of the psalm is my prayer for the NPAC family, our city and our nation. It is that not only will "the blessed" have a vibrant spiritual life and sound livelihood, but that this land will also experience the blessing of the LORD's bounty and abundance in harvest (vv.9-13). May God's goodness surround the entire year like a crown of glory on the head (v.11). May His grace extend to all parts of our home country so that even the grasslands of the wilderness overflow (v.12), that everyone will give thanks to the LORD for His bountiful grace. Amen!

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