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昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

The Thrill of Short-term Missions

Rev Kenneth Chong

   Before I received my calling to be a pastor, I had joined brothers and sisters of NPAC on short-term missions to South-east Asia twice. Looking back at those two trips that lasted but a few days each, they were, nonetheless, significant experiences in my spiritual journey. I was amazed by God’s wondrous works on the missionaries. I also experienced God’s amazing presence and keeping. I even had the confirmation of the ministry for my life…

   A few years after my conversion to Christ, I took part in an NPAC North Thailand short-term mission trip. When I knew that I could visit the missionaries there, I was thrilled as I had heard many stories about the commitment and dedication of missionaries in serving. Among a number of missionaries I visited personally on the trip, the most memorable is that of Missionary C. H. Ho of the Hong Kong Alliance Mission. His family of five served in the Thailand field. Missionary Ho told me how, before his Thai language test, God miraculously let him know what the test questions were like. He also told me about how a fan fell from the ceiling and God’s protection of his children. That was the first time I heard a missionary’s personal testimonies, which left me greatly amazed!

  Missionary Ho’s sharing also showed me the missionaries’ love for the local people. The missionaries eagerly desired that the locals would receive the precious gospel. Missionary Ho led our short-term mission team to sing the song “You Transformed My Life.” I was immensely touched as I thought about the host of things that missionaries had indeed been through, and that their lives were continually renewed and transformed by God. That worship song has become one of my favorites even to this day.

  During this short-term mission trip, I also closely encountered God, just like Job who said, “My ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you”! We had to travel from Bangkok to the city of Khon Kaen by coach for seven hours. To save time, we chose to travel at night and team members had to sleep on the coach. When I knew about that arrangement, I was very worried as I had never been able to sleep on a coach before. If I could not sleep at night, I would certainly not have the energy nor strength to serve the next day. But then I experienced something miraculous on the coach. Despite all the unfavorable factors (such as being in a seat right in front of a TV set which also had a broken armrest), God answered my humble prayer and let me sleep all the way until we had to get off the coach. How thrilled I felt!

  A year later, I joined a short-term mission trip to Cambodia. At that time, I was already seeking the possibilities of full-time theological training and full-time ministry. After we arrived in Cambodia, whether it be in the conversations with the short-term mission team members, in my devotionals, or in the interaction with missionaries, I received a very consistent message from God, which is to influence life with life. That was how I was gradually moved by God and continued on my path under His guidance.

  Those were valuable experiences in my short-term mission trips. They are still precious to me as I think about them. I also experienced God’s abundant blessings each time I went on short-term mission after those trips. Has God also touched your lives through your short-term mission trips?

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