
2024 年 3 月 16 日 / 17 日

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近期聽到很多香港教會面對的困難,感到掛心。不少教會的信徒因移民或其他緣故離開教會,以致崇拜人數減少一成、甚至八成(有教會從 1,200 人減至 200 人),而事奉領袖也出現嚴重不足的情況。有些教會因缺乏主日學老師而需取消整個兒童主日學;另一方面,一些教會因奉獻減少,要求傳道人轉為半職,以減少開支;也有教會取消擴堂計劃,把資金轉作常費用途;差傳機構也收到消息,有些教會要暫停支持海外宣教士經費,或逐步縮減。弟兄姊妹方面,也在工作崗位中遇到許多同事離職移民,因而一個人要兼顧多人的職責,身心疲乏。

這段日子我常常想起士師記中的基甸。基甸奉神的差遣,前往攻打多年壓制以色列人的米甸人,基甸召集了 32,000 人前往征戰,但神說:「跟隨你的人過多,我不能將米甸人交在他們手中,免得以色列人向我誇大,說:『是我們自己的手救了我們。』」(士七 2)神指示「凡懼怕膽怯的」可以毋須參戰,最後只留下 300 人給基甸。神也知道基甸會害怕「如同蝗蟲那樣多」的大軍,於是特別藉著敵軍營內敵人的夢境,給他膽量迎戰。其後神也賜下策略給基甸,結果 300 人竟可打敗 12 萬的敵軍!他們甚至在極其疲乏飢餓的情況下,可以「坦然無懼」,繼續以 300 人之數追趕餘下的 15,000 人。



我們相信是主託付香港教會及其中眾多的屬神子民,要在這城市中見證祂,祂必賜下足夠的恩典,讓我們在這段日子成全對祂的見證,因為恩典永遠是隨著託付而來。然而關鍵仍然是——神的子民是否繼續放膽前往。神不會使用「凡懼怕膽怯的」三萬多人(士七 3),卻要使用那些不害怕自己人數少、不害怕自己力有不逮、體力不足、但相信神的能力與幫助而放膽面對挑戰的 300 人,神的名必因他們得榮耀。

昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

Resource Reduction Becomes Abundance Before God

Rev. Gordon Siu

  I have recently been hearing reports about problems facing Hong Kong churches, which concern me. Due to believers emigrating or leaving the church for other reasons, a number of churches have a drop in worship attendance by 10% to even 80% (the number of worshipers in one church falls from 1,200 to 200). A serious shortage of ministry leaders is also evident. Some churches have to cancel the Children's Sunday School altogether because of a lack of teachers. A dwindling of offerings has seen some other churches asking pastors to turn part-time to cut costs. Meanwhile, some churches cancel church expansion plans, allocating the funding for operational expenses instead. Mission organizations have also received word that some churches will need to suspend or gradually reduce support for overseas missionaries. Among brothers and sisters, some are burned out at work as many of their colleagues have left or emigrated, leaving them to do all the work.

  Times like these remind me of Gideon in the Book of Judges. Sent by God, Gideon was to attack Midian which for many years had oppressed the Israelites. Gideon summoned 32,000 people to war. But God said, "You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, 'My own strength has saved me.'" (Judges 7:2) God then said, "Anyone who trembles with fear" needed not take part in the war. Finally, Gideon was left with 300 men. God knew that Gideon was scared about the Midian army, which was "thick as locusts." So God used a dream in the Midian camp to give Gideon courage. After that, God also gave Gideon the tactics with which he defeated the 120,000-strong Midian army with 300 men! Exhausted, hungry yet unafraid, the 300 men boldly continued to pursue the remaining 15,000 Midian army.

  The sovereign God sometimes reduces our capacities and resources so that we will no longer rely on ourselves. When we have nothing to boast about, we will more wholeheartedly look unto the Lord. God will work and we will experience the meaning of God’s power made manifest in our weaknesses.

  In the past, Hong Kong churches have enjoyed abundant resources. They have more manpower and funding compared with churches in many other regions. Now Hong Kong churches have fewer resources, but God’s power will not be affected. God may be cutting down on the capabilities of Hong Kong churches so we will more solely rely on His work, and that we will no longer depend on our rich resources in winning our victories!

  We believe God has entrusted churches and numerous people of God here with the mission to testify for Him in this city. God will give sufficient grace so we can testify for Him in these times, for grace always follows entrustment. Still, the crux of the matter is whether the people of God will boldly proceed. God will not use the 30,000 odd who "tremble with fear" (Judges 7:3). But God will use the 300 who are unafraid of their small company, limited talents, weak bodies, and who trust in His power and help in meeting the challenges ahead. God’s name will be glorified by them.

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