
2024 年 3 月 23 日 / 24 日

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昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

Crown Jesus King

Rev Arnold Chow

  If I were to make a video of the Passion Week, I would choose to start with the episode when Jesus went on trial. The music starts, the camera looks down from high above in a birds-eye view on a large crowd of Jews shouting. The camera lowers to among the crowd and then draws back and turns to Jesus on the porch of Pilate’s official residence, with a close-up on His facial expression. The scene is filled with waves of shouts from the crowd: “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!” The video then flashes back to a few days ago when Jesus entered Jerusalem. There was a similar crowd of Jews shouting.

  The author of the Gospel of John ingenuously used the same word “shout” to connect the two episodes (in John 12 & 19). The “shouts” of the people in front of Pilate’s residence were to reject Jesus. They were passionately seeking the execution of Jesus by the death penalty of crucifixion. Just a few days ago, they were “shouting” also, saying “Hosanna” when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. They were shouting jubilantly, crowning Jesus: “‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel!’” (John 12:13)

  The crowds were on their way to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem. Waving palm branches, they greeted Jesus outside the city gate, knowing that Jesus had earlier performed a big miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, who came out from the tomb. There were eyewitnesses at the scene. These miraculous acts drew many people to come to see Jesus. Among them were those who came to believe in Jesus because of the resurrection of Lazarus.

  The miracles made many to crown Jesus King, but they could not sustain their faith. A few days later, the same crowd was gathered together again, this time shouting to get rid of, and crucify, Jesus.

  For many years, a friend of mine was wavering between putting his faith in Jesus or not. One day I saw his post on Facebook saying: “Thanks for this evangelistic meeting.” I called him to find out more about that. He said he had attended an evangelistic meeting with many artists and celebrities sharing their testimonies. He said the message that evening was very good, adding that he was touched and would put his faith in Jesus. But when I asked him whether he would come to church, he replied: “Not yet! Wait and see.”

  A moment of feeling touched, a miraculous experience or even a near-death experience may make people passionately crown Jesus and believe in Him. But some of them may just embrace the miracles but not the miracle worker, Jesus Christ. They crown Him king in a shallow way, and easily turn their backs on Him.

  Why did you crown Jesus king? If you were to share a testimony now, when would that have taken place? If you are still recounting your experience when you first believed, if you cannot share from recent life about how you have experienced God and trusted in Him, then it can be a dangerous signal. This Passion Week, let us put our thoughts to discover more of Jesus’ footprints in our lives. Let us know Him more and trust Him more.

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