福音夥伴 傳頌主愛

2024 年 4 月 13 日 / 14 日

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感謝神的帶領,自上世紀五十年代開始,香港教會已透過不同類型的福音機構,以實際可見的行動,宣講與見證基督的福音。福音機構的英文名稱為 Para-church organization,意謂他們是教會同行者;又或稱他們為「翼鋒教會」,意指他們猶如肩旁兩翼的功能,與教會發揮踐行信仰的使命。今天香港教會的數目已逾 1,300 間,但卻無單一的教會可以擁有充足的恩賜、專業運作的理念、具創意的策略,以長期專注社會的現況,回應不同群體的需要,相反,福音機構的發展卻非常多元化。現時多區醫院均設有基督教院牧事工,藉此向病患者傳福音;同時,為應對基層勞工、新來港人士、地產金融會計從業員、演藝人員、紀律部隊、兒童及青少年、校園學生、無家者及精神病患康復者等不同對象的需要,許多福音機構亦推動各項福音預工、佈道聚會及信仰栽培的事工;此外,也有幫助信徒接受佈道訓練、學習傳福音技巧及策略的機構,運用視訊與文字訪談的人物見證,締造聯乘事奉及傳揚福音的效益,讓神的國度得以擴展。

著名美國佈道家提摩太.凱勒牧師(Rev Timothy Keller)曾言:「都市教會不單要致力傳福音,還必須矢志接納都市複雜多樣的佈道事工。」(《21 世紀教會成長學》,頁 313)北宣家今年以「跟基督、成為光」為成長方向,推動弟兄姊妹將使命化為行動,也鼓勵各團契小組認領及關顧北宣支持的福音機構,成為與他們同行的福音夥伴。今天北宣已為本地的福音機構製訂年度經費奉獻的計劃,大家可將奉獻集中交給教會的差傳基金,以定期定額的方式,支持他們持續的需要。另外,團契小組的職員組長也可考慮以年度為期,定期閱覽福音機構的年報刊物,接收代禱的資訊,回應事奉的邀請,出隊支援他們的事工。

願神悅納我們的獻呈,藉著祂賜給我們的恩典,與本地眾多福音機構成為夥伴,承擔「耶穌僕役、福音祭司」的職事(羅十五 15-16),榮耀基督的聖名。

昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

Partners of the Gospel Proclaiming the Lord's Love

Rev Samuel Tam

  Over the past few years, it was difficult for the church to visit patients in hospitals and nursing homes to convey the love of Christ and share the gospel due to the risk of COVID infections. Fortunately, we have a long history of collaborating with the chaplains in ministry. In crises and difficult situations, by the great power in Christ and with all wisdom, we have been able to share the love of God with relatives and friends who are sick. Looking back, every ministry experience of ours is valuable and our hearts are filled with joy because we worked closely together.

  Thanks be to God for His guidance, ever since the 50's of the last century, Hong Kong churches have teamed up with gospel agencies to proclaim and witness for the gospel through practical actions. These agencies are called "para-church organizations" as they work alongside the church. They are also called 「翼鋒教會」in Chinese as they function very much like the wings of the church to fulfill the mission of putting faith into practice. Today, there are more than 1,300 churches in Hong Kong. However, no single church has sufficient gifts, vision for professional operation nor creative strategies to monitor conditions in society on a long-term basis and respond to the needs of various communities. The services of para-church organizations are, on the contrary, many and varied. At present, many hospitals have Christian chaplain ministries and can share the gospel with patients. Meanwhile, many para-church organizations advance the ministries for gospel preparatory work, evangelistic meetings and faith nurturing to meet the varied needs of their target groups, such as grassroot workers, the newly arrived, real estate, finance and accounting professionals, celebrities, members of disciplinary forces, children and youths, students on campus, the homeless and ex-mental patients. There are also para-church organizations that help believers receive evangelism training and learn the skills and strategies for spreading the gospel. They employ audio-visual platforms and print media to broadcast testimonies through personality interviews. This synergy enhances the benefits of the gospel for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

  Famous American evangelist Rev. Timothy Keller has said, "Not only must an urban church be committed to evangelism; it must be committed to the complexity of urban evangelism" (Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City, p.177). The growth direction for the NPAC family this year is "Follow Christ, Be the Light." It mobilizes brothers and sisters to put the mission into action and encourages fellowships and small groups to adopt and care for para-church organizations supported by NPAC to become their gospel partners and walk with them. Today, NPAC has formulated plans for annual expenditure offerings for local para-church organizations. Brothers and sisters can channel their offerings to the church's Mission Fund to support the ongoing needs of these organizations through offering fixed amounts on a regular basis. Meanwhile, fellowships and small groups leaders can consider setting a yearly timeframe to read the annual reports and publications of para-church organizations, receive their news and prayer requests and respond to their invitations to serve to support their ministries.

  May God accept our offering and, by His grace, let us become partners of the numerous local para-church organizations and take on the ministry as ministers of Jesus in the priestly service of the gospel of God (Romans 15:15-16), glorifying Christ's holy name.

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