
2024 年 4 月 27 日 / 28日

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「地震速報04/03 07:58左右花蓮地區發生顯著有感地震,慎防強烈搖晃,就近避難[趴下、掩護、穩住]。」




昔牧尋聲 Archive

Pastor's Sharing

Reflections on the Taiwan Earthquake

Rev Jenny Ching

  One quiet early morning when I was still sleeping, I received a shocking alert on the phone: "Earthquake Express: Major earthquake detected in Hualien County around 04/03 07:58. Watch out for vigorous shakes. Shelter in place (crawl, take cover, keep steady)."

  I hurriedly woke up my husband who was by my side. We could not stand still. Amid vigorous shakes, we knelt down to pray: "Lord! it's a quake. We are very scared. Save us, Lord, and give us peace!" At that moment, we knew that the Lord is our only help. A minute later, the strong shakes subsided. We thought that the crisis was over, but the aftershocks kept coming. An hour later, we went downstairs to eat breakfast. There came another shock, which was even stronger than before. We were thrown off balance. And although the aftershocks kept happening and our family urged us to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible, there was peace that surpassed all understanding deep in our hearts. We therefore decided to stay in Yilan to accomplish the mission for this trip to Taiwan – to preach the gospel to my 90-year-old uncle. The quake reminded us again: "As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work."(John 9:4)

  That night, my husband and I listened attentively to my uncle's stories about the ups and downs in his life. My husband and I prayed quietly in our hearts, awaiting the time when we could share the gospel with him naturally. Thanks be to God for His guidance, my uncle longs to have a personality of truthfulness, goodness and perfection. I expressed appreciation and asked him: "Is it possible for us to achieve truthfulness, goodness and perfection by our own efforts?" Then I prayed in my heart while I started to share: "Uncle, I appreciate your positive aspiration. The Bible tells us that although we desire to do what is good, it is very difficult for us to carry it out. However, the Lord Jesus is the God of truthfulness, goodness and perfection. If we are willing to put our faith in Him and depend on Him, He will help us become more and more like Him." While I was saying all of this, slight aftershocks came one after another. We continued to share with my uncle, "There is no way we can control how long we can live. If we had been in Hualien this morning, anything could have happened to us. Would you, then, believe in Jesus, Uncle?" We thought he would refuse with excuses as before, so we did not have high hopes on his coming to faith. However, my uncle said: "I believe in Jesus!" We were very much surprised. Thanks be to our Heavenly Father for His love for him. Looking back at the last few years, we were not the only ones who had shared the gospel with him. A teacher he deeply respected also greatly influenced him. When he helped compile a commemorative anthology for his late teacher, he found that his teacher was also a devout Christian. My uncle read his teacher's articles and compiled his biography. The Lord had prepared his heart through the process. That was why when we shared the gospel with him again, he was willing to put his faith in the Lord.

   This is so true: "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:"(Psalm 37:5)

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