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  • 日期

    2024 年 5 月 4 日(週六)

  • 時間

    晚上 8 時

  • 地點

    (英皇道 238 號 1 樓,炮台山港鐵站上蓋)

  • 經歷了一個充斥著騎士、巫術、戰爭和黑死病的「中世紀」後,西方世界終於迎來一個人類文化史上光芒四射的年代 ——《文藝復興》。在這個以「人」為本的年代,各項藝術都蓬勃發展,成就遠超上世紀。這時期西方社會到處彌漫著音樂氣氛,無論在教堂、宮廷、甚至市集裡,都經常洋溢著各式各樣的音樂、舞蹈和雜耍演出。可惜時至今日,這些繽紛的「古樂」卻未能像「巴羅克」等早期音樂般普及。「匠心薈」一直抱持與大眾分享這些「古樂」的宗旨,演出除展現多首風格迴異的宗教及非宗教音樂外,更採用不同類型的仿古樂器,務求為觀眾帶來一個耳一新的「古樂」巡禮。

  • 北宣聖樂部主辦

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  • DATE

    4 May, 2024 (Saturday)

  • TIME

    8:00 PM


    North Point Alliance Church Main Hall
    (Level 1, Fortress Metro Tower, 238 King's Rd, Fortress Hill)

  • After experiencing a long period of knights, witchcraft, wars and the black death in the Medieval world, the Western world was finally ushered into a radiant era in the history of human culture - the "Renaissance". Featuring the concept of Humanism, all forms of arts flourished, with achievements far exceeding those of the previous century. During this period, the Western world was brimmed with music everywhere. Whether in churches, palaces, or even markets, there were often a variety of music, dance, and juggling performances. Unfortunately, to this day, such vibrant "early music" has become much less popular than their "Baroque" counterparts.

    L'Artiste has always been committed to sharing "early music" with the public. In addition to showcasing the charm of various sacred and secular pieces in diverse styles, the performance also employs an impressive array of period instruments to lead the audience in a refreshing tour of "early music".



    MS YEUNG(28075200

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