
二○二○年十一月七日/八日                                                                                                  Click here for English version

保持連結(Be Connected)



故此,長者科同工、導師在這段期間都很努力將崇拜、祈禱會、牧者靈修分享的在線資訊轉成 WhatsApp 訊息,然後發給長者,方便他們一按就可以參與。雖然長者團契未可以用Zoom團契,但我們卻常透過訊息傳遞、電話傾談與長者連結。有一位肢體每天都將北宣牧者的靈修分享錄成語音,以WhatsApp形式傳給不識字的長者,讓他們在屬靈上與上主保持連結。長者主日學也推動「快讀新約」,鼓勵學員停課不停學,在疫情期間繼續與主連結。同時教會亦有崇拜電話熱線,方便沒有智能電話的長者參與崇拜。

耶穌十分關注信徒與上主及人的連結:「你們要常在我裡面,我也常在你們裡面……」(約十五4)信徒的屬靈生命如要成長,就須與基督有親密的關係。信徒與基督連結後,就能結出愛的果子,能與其他信徒有彼此相愛的關係(十五12-17)。須知道,我們是基督的身體,各人是互相結連的(弗四 11-16)。

馬斯奴(Maslow)提出過人類需求的五個階梯,其中第三階梯的需求是「愛與被愛」(Love and Belongingness);愛迪法(Alderfer)的 ERG 理論也指出人類有三大核心需求,其一是「相互關係」的需求。兩者都指出人類需要有社交,希望與別人保持關係、被團體接納。

過去一個月,長者科同工及導師們努力教導長者使用 Zoom,也成功嘗試用 Zoom 進行團契或小組分享,他們都十分開心,因為可以見到導師和團友的面容。長者們有了這次經驗後,都很期待再 Zoom 見面。由此可見,長者也能接受挑戰和改變的,只要我們在旁鼓勵和指導,就可幫助他們下載相關應用程式。所以,我鼓勵北宣家肢體可以這樣幫助長者:

1. 替他們下載應用程式;
2. 替他們在家中安裝WiFi,或購買流動數據咭,以方便上網;
3. 如果你有性能良好、但已不用的智能電話,請聯絡我或長者科(29099700),以轉贈有需要的年長肢體。


按此下載「北宣 Connect」手機應用程式

Pastor's Sharing
Be Connected
Rev Kenneth Yum

During the pandemic, brothers and sisters stay connected socially and spiritually through online meetings, fellowship, worship and prayer meetings. Our spiritual life gets nurtured through online worship services and a range of Bible studies and talks. However, many seniors have been disconnected from the church and other brothers and sisters as they do not know how to go online, do not have smart phones, Wi-Fi, or other resources to go online such as mobile data.

As such, staff and counselors of the Elderly Ministry have made great efforts to gather and send our seniors much information and links about online worship services, prayer meetings and pastors’ devotional sharing via WhatsApp so they can take part at a click. Although our senior fellowships are not meeting via Zoom, we have remained connected with members by texts and phone. One brother/sister turns the pastors' devotional sharing each day into an audio recording and sends it by WhatsApp to some seniors who cannot read. This helps the seniors stay connected spiritually with the Lord. Meanwhile, the Seniors Sunday School has introduced a "New Testament Quick Reads" program to encourage participants to continue learning during the suspension of Sunday School. The church has also set up a telephone hotline for seniors without smart phones to take part in worship services.

Jesus paid much attention to believers' relationship with the Lord and other people. He said: "Remain in me, and I will remain in you" (John 15:4a). To grow spiritually, we need a close relationship with Christ. Having connected with Christ, we will bear the fruit of love and be able to love each other (John 15:12-17). We must know that we are all connected to one another as parts of Christ’s body (Ephesians 4:11-16).

Maslow's hierarchy of needs mentions five categories of human needs of which love and belongingness come third. Alderfer's ERG theory also points out three core human needs, with relatedness being one. Both stress the need for social life, the need to maintain a relationship with others, and be accepted by the community.

Over the past month, the staff and counselors of the Elderly Ministry tried our best to teach our seniors to use Zoom, and have successfully conducted online fellowship meetings and small group sharing with them using Zoom. Members are happy to see the faces of counselors and fellowship members and they look forward to meeting on Zoom again. We can see that our seniors are ready to take on challenge and change. They only need encouragement and guidance with downloading the app. I therefore encourage brothers and sisters to help them:

1. To download the app
2. To install Wi-Fi at their homes, or buy mobile data cards so they can easily go online
3. If you have a smart phone in good condition which you no longer use, please contact me or the Elderly Ministry at 2909 9700 for us to pass them on to our seniors who may need them

It is my sincere hope that our seniors can get connected with friends, relatives, fellowship members and the Lord socially and spiritually. The coming Sunday is Senior Citizen's Day. I encourage you to get connected with one senior.